Changes in plant species composition and litter production in response to roa...
Road density has increased in the Canary Islands' forests during the last century, affecting an unknown amount of forested area. We studied road effects on vegetation in the... -
Accidentes de carretera con ungulados cinegéticos en el territorio histórico ...
Analysis of casualties in Álava province (N Spain) involving roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) and wild boar (Sus scrofa). The involvement of both species in car accidents during a... -
Efectos de la fragmentación sobre las comunidades de aves asentadas en las re...
Efectos de la fragmentación sobre las comunidades de aves asentadas en las repoblaciones de coníferas de la Meseta. Palabras clave: Aves, Comunidad, Bosque de coníferas,... -
The effect of the moon in wildlife-vehicle collisions.
The phase of the moon is well known to affect activity patterns of animals at night, and may also affect visibility for motorists. However, surprisingly little is known about... -
Listado de Especies Silvestres en Régimen de Protección Especial (LESPE)
Listado de Especies Silvestres en Régimen de Protección Especial (LESPE) -
Combined effects of deficit irrigation and crop level on early nectarine trees
A three-year long experiment was implemented in an early nectarine (Prunus persica L. Batsch cv. Flanoba) commercial orchard to evaluate the effects of deficit irrigation and... -
Habitat selection, activity peaks and strategies to avoid road mortality by t...
Little owls (Athene noctua) were censused 200 times at night with the aid of a light intensifier along a 40 km road-transect which ran across habitats allowing enough... -
Risky wandering close to the railway: flight behavior of birds across the pla...
Running trains kill birds, and this problem is foreseeable larger in high speed railways (HSRs). However, HSRs have been planned and built over years with scant knowledge of... -
Distribution of an increasing roe deer population in a fragmented Mediterrane...
Distribution of an increasing roe deer population in a fragmented Mediterranean landscape. Palabras clave: Deer, Fragmentation, Landscape, Mammal, Vertebrate -
Photoactive roadways: laboratory, field and modeling insight on the impact of...
Photoactive roadways have been suggested as a mitigation method to improve air quality in urban areas. However, difficulties translating laboratory results to real world... -
El oso pardo en Asturias.
Noisances due to road construction in a brown bear habitat led to it being no longer used as a reproductive area for this species. Las molestias generadas por la construcción de... -
Effects of forest fragmentation on european birds: implications of regional d...
Aim: In this paper, we adopted a large-scale approach to evaluate the effect of regional richness of forest birds on the number of bird species retained by forest fragments in... -
Mortalidad de vertebrados por atropello en una carretera nacional del NO de E...
A 17-km stretch was surveyed by foot on a weekly basis with the aim to assess the impact of this new road on vertebrate population not previously subjected to decimation by road... -
Orientaciones para reducir los efectos de las infraestructuras de transporte ...
Orientaciones para reducir los efectos de las infraestructuras de transporte en funcionamiento. Palabras clave: Fragmentación, Hábitat -
Colisiones entre vehículos y animales de caza mayor. Una aproximación al prob...
Roe deer, red deer and wild boar collisions with cars are examined. 1500-2500 collisions/year in Spain are estimated. The temporal patterns and geographic distribution of... -
Light pollution and seabird fledglings: targeting efforts in rescue programs.
One of the most critical phases in the life of petrels (Procellariiformes) is at fledging when young birds pass from parental dependence on land to an independent life at sea.... -
Conflictos entre el desarrollo de las aguas subterráneas y la conservación de...
Conflicts between groundwater use and wetland conservation are especially relevant in arid and semi-arid zones, where the areas of these natural ecosystems have decreased in the... -
Efectos de borde y efectos en el margen de las infraestructuras de transporte...
Efectos de borde y efectos en el margen de las infraestructuras de transporte y atenuación de su impacto sobre la biodiversidad. -
Changes induced by water stress on water relations, stomatal behaviour and mo...
The response of different deficit irrigation strategies on physiological and morphological parameters on table grapes (cv. Crimson Seedless) grown in pots was studied three... -
Mixed sampling protocols improve the cost-effectiveness of roadkill surveys.
Road mortality due to animal vehicle collisions has serious negative effects on population viability, demanding urgent implementation of mitigation measures where most required....