About us?
The Spanish Inventory of Natural Heritage and Biodiversity (IEPNB), created by Law 42/2007, of December 13 and developed by Royal Decree 556/2011, is the main instrument of knowledge about nature in Spain.
Conceived as an inventory, it is the main source of information to know the elements that interact in the biosphere, facilitating those analyzes that allow evaluating the initiatives and policies adopted for the sustainable use of natural resources and maintaining a good state of conservation.
The main objective of this Inventory is to have objective, reliable and comparable information at the state level, from which it will be possible to:
- Develop conservation, management and sustainable use policies.
- Spread the values of Natural Heritage and Biodiversity to society.
- Contribute as a source of information to meet the information requirements of international commitments.
To achieve these objectives, three levels of approach have been established: the Components of the IEPNB to KNOW, a System of Indicators to EVALUATE and an Annual Report to DISSEMINATE.
The Components of the IEPNB are the set of inventories, catalogues, records and lists that allow us to know the elements that make up the natural heritage, its richness, its state of conservation and the use of its natural resources. The Indicator System provides a synthesis of these extensive contents, whose values, analysis and interpretation is published annually in the form of a report.
Also, Royal Decree 556/2011 establishes an Integrated Information System, called the Nature Data Bank (BDN), to which it attributes the functions of harmonization, analysis and dissemination of the information contained in the IEPNB. Likewise, it creates the IEPNB Committee, attached to the State Commission for Natural Heritage and Biodiversity , a coordination body between the State and the Autonomous Communities, with reporting and proposal powers.