Nutrient overload promotes the transition from top-down to bottom-up control ...
The excess input of nutrients that triggers eutrophication processes is one of the main destabilizing factors of coastal ecosystems, being coastal lagoons prone to suffer these... -
Centaurium Barrelieroides pau y c.rigualii esteve (gentianaceae), ¿dos endemi...
Centaurium barrelieroides Pau, que se tiene en la actualidad por endemismo norteafricano, fue descrito en realidad de una localidad española — la Manga del Mar Menor (Murcia) —... -
Can we model distribution of population abundance from wildlife–vehicles coll...
Reliable estimates of the distribution of species abundance are a key element in wildlife studies, but such information is usually difficult to obtain for large spatial or long... -
Efecto barrera inducido por una autovía sobre las poblaciones de grandes mamí...
Se ha estudiado la situación de una población de lobo en un área afectada por la construcción de una autovía. Dado que existen poblaciones bien establecidas de lobo, corzo y... -
Accidentes de tráfico por atropello de animales.
Accidentes de tráfico por atropello de animales. Palabras clave: Siniestralidad con fauna -
Informe provisional del seguimiento de la mortalidad de vertebrados en las ca...
Se prospectaron diversas carreteras nacionales además de dos autopistas, siendo las aves (37%) y los anfibios (37%) los taxones más afectados. Las especies atropelladas... -
Aquifer recharge from intensively irrigated farmland. Several approaches
In the past decades a large body of literature has focused on the assessment of the natural recharge and parameters of control (including climate, vegetation, soils, and... -
Plankton under Pressure: How Water Conditions Alter the Phytoplankton–Zooplan...
Transitional waters (TWs), such as coastal lagoons, are bodies of surface water at the transition between saline and freshwater domains. These environments play a vital role in... -
Presence of pesticides throughout trophic compartments of the food web in the...
The main paths of some pesticides and their levels in the trophic compartments of the benthic food web of the Mar Menor, an oligotrophic coastal lagoon located in the SE of... -
Capa de cambios anual por OR de ganancias clasificados (Península y Baleares)...
Producto semiautomático generado a partir del cruce espacial de la capa de alertas anuales por pérdidas y el MFE/FF -
Indicador 32: Producción de otros productos forestales
Este indicador describe la producción anual de productos forestales no madereros como la resina, el corcho, los frutos, etc., que se dan en los montes públicos y privados del... -
Habitat fragmentation affects culture transmission: patterns of song matching...
Males of many bird species match song with neighbours during territorial interactions. Although bird vocal mimicry has received much attention, the relationships between song... -
Lista Vermelha da Flora Vascular de Portugal. Continental Sociedade Portugues...
Documento integrante de la bibliografía empleada para el informe: Status Assessment de Cymodocea Nodosa en el ámbito de OSPAR -
Revealing polychaetes invasion patterns: Identification, reproduction and pot...
An established population of the polychaetous annelid Perinereis linea (Treadwell) is reported for the first time outside its native distribution range (NW Pacific). This exotic... -
Effects of roads on small-mammal movements: opportunities and risks of vegeta...
Roads can block animal movement and reduce persistence of species living in road surroundings. Movement restrictions on local populations may even increase extinction risk of... -
A holistic approach for determining the hydrology of the mar menor coastal la...
A combination of hydrological and hydrodynamic modelling can be applied to understand the hydrology and key water balance components of lakes and lagoons. In this research, the... -
Differences in the response of ACV with wildlife and livestock species during...
COVID-19 lockdowns provided a unique opportunity to study the interaction between humans and wildlife. The decrease of human presence in the territory, for example, by reducing... -
Pycnogonid ecology in the Mar Menor
The Mar Menor is a hypersaline coastal lagoon in the SW Mediterranean. A study of pycnogonids was based on 52 samples from the different benthic communities found in the lagoon,... -
Avaluació de l’efectivitat de passos de fauna en dos trams de les carreteres ...
El projecte de seguiment realitzat a la carretera C-260 pretenia determinar l'eficàcia dels primers passos específics de fauna salvatge construïts a Catalunya, en un tram on la... -
Fauna involucrada en accidentes de tráfico en la provincia de Salamanca (1997...
Desde 1997 a 2002 inclusive, de acuerdo a datos de la DGT (Dirección General de Tráfico), en la provincia de Salamanca (centro-oeste de España) se produjeron un total de 587...