Hábitat, uso del suelo y situación de la nutria (Lutra lutra) en la cuenca ba...
In southern Spain, otter (Lutra lutra) distribution on a large scale is not only explained by the quality of water or riverbanks, but also by the surrounding land uses. Otters... -
Do well-connected landscapes promote road-related mortality?
Cost surface (CS) models have emerged as a useful tool to examine the interactions between landscapes patterns and wildlife at large-scale extents. This approach is particularly... -
Resumen de recomendaciones para la iluminación de instalaciones exteriores o ...
Resumen de recomendaciones para la iluminación de instalaciones exteriores o en recintos abiertos. -
The role of landscape permeability for stone marten conservation: patch occup...
The role of landscape permeability for stone marten conservation: patch occupancy and road mortality risk. -
Informe provisional del seguimiento de la mortalidad de vertebrados en las ca...
A fixed transect was repeated on a monthly basis in several kinds of road, showing that, overall, kills in Álava province (N Spain) involved mostly birds (49%) and mammals... -
Can we model distribution of population abundance from wildlife–vehicles coll...
Reliable estimates of the distribution of species abundance are a key element in wildlife studies, but such information is usually difficult to obtain for large spatial or long... -
Efecto barrera inducido por una autovía sobre las poblaciones de grandes mamí...
The situation of wolf population in an area affected by the construction of a motorway is studied. Since well established populations of wolf, roe deer and wild boar are located... -
Accidentes de tráfico por atropello de animales.
Accidentes de tráfico por atropello de animales. Palabras clave: Siniestralidad con fauna -
Informe provisional del seguimiento de la mortalidad de vertebrados en las ca...
Several local and national roads as well as two highways were surveyed, being birds (37%) and amphibians (37%) the most affected taxa. Species were run over depending on their... -
Habitat fragmentation affects culture transmission: patterns of song matching...
1 Males of many bird species match song with neighbours during territorial interactions. Although bird vocal mimicry has received much attention, the relationships between song... -
Effects of roads on small-mammal movements: opportunities and risks of vegeta...
Roads can block animal movement and reduce persistence of species living in road surroundings. Movement restrictions on local populations may even increase extinction risk of... -
Differences in the response of ACV with wildlife and livestock species during...
COVID-19 lockdowns provided a unique opportunity to study the interaction between humans and wildlife. The decrease of human presence in the territory, for example, by reducing... -
Avaluació de l’efectivitat de passos de fauna en dos trams de les carreteres ...
The monitoring project carried out on the road C-260 aimed to determine the effectiveness of the first specific wildlife passages constructed in Catalonia, in a stretch where... -
Fauna involucrada en accidentes de tráfico en la provincia de Salamanca (1997...
Desde 1997 a 2002 inclusive, de acuerdo a datos de la DGT (Dirección General de Tráfico), en la provincia de Salamanca (centro-oeste de España) se produjeron un total de 587... -
Re-thinking Christaller's central place theory: implications for spatial plan...
Re-thinking Christaller's central place theory: implications for spatial planning and green infrastructures. Palabras clave: Ecological network, Landscape -
Evaluación de los efectos del PEIT sobre la fragmentación de hábitats.
Evaluación de los efectos del PEIT sobre la fragmentación de hábitats. -
Las consideraciones medioambientales en la planificación y construcción de ca...
Las consideraciones medioambientales en la planificación y construcción de carreteras estatales. Palabras clave: Carreteras, Planificación -
Memoria de actuaciones llevadas a cabo para completar el seguimiento del impa...
Memoria de actuaciones llevadas a cabo para completar el seguimiento del impacto real de la línea de alta velocidad Madrid - Zaragoza - Barcelona - Frontera francesa, (Anexo nº... -
Survival rates and causes of mortality of Testudo graeca hatchlings in southw...
Fifty-nine newly born individuals of Testudo graeca were followed under natural conditions by means of thread-trailing, from august-september until their death, disappearence or... -
Bird flight behavior, collision risk and mitigation options at high-speed rai...
Bird flight behavior, collision risk and mitigation options at high-speed railway viaducts.