Ecología del lobo en la Cabrera (León) y la Carballeda (Zamora).

This paper gives the data on the ecology of six radiotracked wolves studied in north Zamora and south León (NW Spain) between 1988 and 1990. Diet, activity, use of the habitat, some aspects of social behaviour and wolf-man relationships are examined. The results are compared with those obtained in similar researches carried out in Italy, Portugal and North America. In the study area roe deer was the main prey of wolves (36.5%) of the biomass), other domestic and wild ungulates having less importance. Home range sizes varied from 100 to 892 km2, with a great individual variation. Areas with dense vegetation were always selected for diurnal resting, probably to avoid human disturbance. Daily movement ranged from 0 to 60 km, averaging 10-12 km. Activity was almost exclusively nocturnal. Some data suggest the existence of activity cycles of over 24 hours. Group size does not usually exceed 3-4 individuals, the largest group observed being composed of 7 wolves. The relationship between a female and her pup (both of them radiocollared) slackened when the pup reached 8-9 months. The relationship among pack members seems to be unsteady. Human disturbance and the size of main prey seems to strongly influence ecological characteristics of studied wolves, which are halfway between those of North American populations -feeding on large-sized prey and slightly influenced by man- and those of Italian and Portugese populations- living in disturbed habitats with shortage of wild prey. In the study area predation on livestock has little significance, since sheep are enclosed at night and guarded by shepherds and dogs during the day. Some aspects of wolf conservation are also discussed.

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Cite as

Vila C. Urios V. y Castroviejo J. Ecología del lobo en la Cabrera (León) y la Carballeda (Zamora). ICONA Ministerio de Agricultura Pesca y Alimentacíon, 1990.

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Retrieved: 02 Feb 2025 19:07:58


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Resource type Text
Date of creation 2024-12-02
Date of last revision 2025-02-02
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Metadata identifier 727ac676-166b-5a3a-95b4-b24d7c9eed44
Metadata language Spanish
Themes (NTI-RISP)
High-value dataset category
ISO 19115 topic category
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Bibliographic information
Name of the dataset creator Vila, C., Urios, V. y Castroviejo, J.
Name of the dataset editor ICONA Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentacíon
Other identifier ISBN: 84-85496-58-2
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