Ecología del lobo en la Cabrera (León) y la Carballeda (Zamora).
This paper gives the data on the ecology of six radiotracked wolves studied in north Zamora and south León (NW Spain) between 1988 and 1990. Diet, activity, use of the habitat,... -
Liming and vegetation favor Fe-mobilization in eutrophic wetland soils affect...
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of liming and vegetation on the dynamic of Fe in eutrophic wetland soils affected by mine wastes, under different flooding... -
Atropellaments de fauna al Parc de Collserola.
Atropellaments de fauna al Parc de Collserola. Palabras clave: Sinistralitat amb fauna, Vertebrats -
Landscape and population drivers of ungulate-vehicle collisions in Portugal.
Landscape and population drivers of ungulate-vehicle collisions in Portugal. -
Libro blanco de las carreteras y los espacios naturales protegidos de Andalucía.
Libro blanco de las carreteras y los espacios naturales protegidos de Andalucía. -
Protocolo de caracterización hidromorfológica de masas de agua de la categorí...
Protocolo de caracterización hidromorfológica de masas de agua de la categoría ríos. -
Spatiotemporal Assessment of Littoral Waterbirds for Establishing Ecological ...
Waterbirds are vital indicators of anthropogenic influence on the ecological status of Mediterranean coastal lagoons. Our study relates temporal waterbird data to key... -
Road alteration of species interactions.
We know little about how roads alter the natural flow of ecosystems and the relationships between its components. Our literature review shows how some interactions have been... -
Movement of pond-breeding amphibians in fragmented landscapes: responses of g...
With the increase of transportation system in the world, roads facilitate opportunities for human social and economic development. Roads are also the primary cause of multiple... -
Deterioration of sediment quality in seagrass meadows (Posidonia oceanica) in...
Documento integrante de la bibliografía empleada para el informe: Status Assessment de Cymodocea Nodosa en el ámbito de OSPAR -
REDIAM - Red de Información Ambiental de Andalucía.
Documento integrante de la bibliografía empleada para el informe: Status Assessment de Cymodocea Nodosa en el ámbito de OSPAR -
Autovía A-381. Jerez de la Frontera - Los Barrios. Proyecto Básico de Medidas...
Book explaining the compensatory measures to be carried out in relation to the conversion of the Jerez de la Frontera - Los Barrios road into a motorway. This road crosses a... -
Cymodocea nodosa, Slender Seagrass.
Documento integrante de la bibliografía empleada para el informe: Status Assessment de Cymodocea Nodosa en el ámbito de OSPAR -
Seagrasses of West Africa: new discoveries, distribution limits and prospects...
Documento integrante de la bibliografía empleada para el informe: Status Assessment de Cymodocea Nodosa en el ámbito de OSPAR -
Is field technician’s work under threat? Video-recoding vs. traditional obser...
Bird collision in high speed railways (HSRs) is a highly topical subject in recent years due to the expansion of this infrastructure. Understanding how birds interact with... -
Resultados provisionales del seguimiento de la mortalidad del camaleón (Chama...
Most roads included in the chameleon range in Spain (a narrow strip along the coast of Málaga, Cádiz and Huelva province, S Spain) were surveyed between june and september, as... -
Mortandad de murciélagos por atropello en carreteras del sur de la provincia ...
This article shows the data obtained from run over bats during 1998 and 1999 in South Huesca roads 42 bats from 12 different species were found; the area 17 different species.... -
Dynamics of Seagrasses Stability and Change
Documento integrante de la bibliografía empleada para el informe: Status Assessment de Cymodocea Nodosa en el ámbito de OSPAR -
Memoria de Ordenación y Gestión del Plan General Municipal de Ordenación de S...
La elaboración del Plan General Municipal de Ordenación de San Javier (en adelante, PGMO San Javier), ha sido realizado, según encargo del Excmo. Ayuntamiento a la consultoría... -
A model for assessing habitat fragmentation caused by new infrastructures in ...
A model for assessing habitat fragmentation caused by new infrastructures in extensive territories. Evaluation of the impact of the Spanish strategic infrastructures and...