Noise pollution in national parks: soundscape and economic valuation.
In this study a national park soundscape characterisation was contrasted with an economic estimation of the impact of noise pollution on the park visitors’ perception. The main... -
Migraciones turísticas, una herramienta contra la estacionalidad: La Manga de...
A lo largo de la costa existen innumerables entornos que por sus características climáticas y paisajistas se han transformado en núcleos turísticos. Entornos que, debido a un... -
Facilitating permeability of landscapes impacted by roads for protected amphi...
Amphibian populations are highly vulnerable to road mortality and habitat fragmentation caused by road networks. Wildlife road tunnels are considered the most promising road... -
Inventari dels trams i punts quilomètrics de les carreteres de Catalunya on e...
Se analizan los accidentes de circulación en los que especies de caza mayor se vieron implicadas en Catalunya entre los años 1997 y junio de 2004 a partir de las siguientes... -
On the road: the different impacts of motorized traffic on animal populations.
Road ecology is a recent branch of Conservation biology that studies the effects of roadnetworks and motorized traffic on biodiversity and ecosystems. The most investigated... -
Mortandad de vertebrados terrestres en la carretera nacional 332 a su paso po...
Survey of vertebrate road kills in Santa Pola, Alicante province, E Spain. A 6-km stretch of the national road N-332 was surveyed twice a month, one year-round. Bats were the... -
Modeling the impact of road mortality on barn owl (Tyto alba) populations usi...
Road mortality affects natural populations worldwide. Although the effects of road mortality are often documented, studies assessing the impact of road mortality on the... -
A global assessment of roadless areas.
We present a detailed and comprehensive global assessment of roadless areas based on open-access road information (OpenStreetMap). For the purpose of this study, we review the... -
Mortalidad estacional de aves en una carretera del P.N. de L'Albufera de Vale...
The aim of this study was to assess the impact of traffic on ornithofauna in the Natural Park of L'Albufera. Weekly transects were made during an annual cycle. Passerines were... -
Los atropellos de fauna cinegética en la provincia de Zamora.
Los atropellos de fauna cinegética en la provincia de Zamora. -
La mortalidad de mamíferos en carreteras. Análisis de la información recopila...
Small mammals are the most affected wild mammals, although for some species barrier effect might be more harmful than casualties. The same happens to ungulates which are not... -
Accidentes con víctimas causadas por la fauna en la red de carreteras del Est...
The article discusses the human victims of accidents and give details of the accident and casualty rates for different road types in Spain. -
Dinámica de hábitats de los humedales litorales de la laguna del Mar Menor (M...
Los humedales de la ribera interna del Mar Menor, se han visto sometidos en las últimas décadas a una serie de transformaciones físico – químicas e hidrológicas a consecuencia... -
Surveying drainage culvert use by carnivores: sampling design and cost-benefi...
Environmental assessment studies often evaluate the effectiveness of drainage culverts as habitat linkages for species, however, the efficiency of the sampling designs and the... -
Revisión de la evaluación de impacto ambiental de infraestructuras de transpo...
A revision is being carried out of overland transport infrastructures (roads, motorways and railways) subject to a procedure of environmental impact assessment by the State,... -
Impacto del TAV Madrid-Sevilla sobre la fauna.
Impacto del TAV Madrid-Sevilla sobre la fauna. Palabras clave: Evaluación del impacto ambiental, Fauna, Línea ferroviaria de alta velocidad, Seguimiento -
Influence of lunar cycle on amphibian roadkill.
Roads are responsible for thousands of roadkill per year worldwide. Different taxonomic groups are vulnerable to this mortality source, but amphibians are especially vulnerable.... -
How do landscape context and fences influence roadkill locations of small and...
Road mortality is the most easily visible effect of roads and traffic on wildlife populations. Mitigation measures such as fences and wildlife passages have been applied to... -
¿Lagunas como sujetos de derechos? El Mar Menor y la Ley 19/2022
Análisis crítico de la Ley de Iniciativa Popular 19/2022, mostrando su génesis y los movimientos en que se inspira: esta ley pretende el reconocimiento de personalidad jurídica... -
Incorporating acoustic objectives into Forest Management Planning when sensit...
Background The potentially negative effects of timber harvesting on biodiversity and habitat conservation leads to the consideration of a wide range of restrictions to forest...