A new large-scale index (AcED) for assessing traffic noise disturbance on wil...
Anthropogenic noise is a growing ubiquitous and pervasive pollutant as well as a recognised stressor that spreads throughout natural ecosystems. However, there is still an... -
Vocal response to traffic noise in a non-passerine bird: the little bustard T...
Anthropogenic noise is spreading worldwide and can interfere with the acoustic communication of multiple animal groups. Species communicating in low-frequency ranges (having... -
Clamoring for quiet: new ways to mitigate noise.
On a typical day in an American suburb, the steady whoosh of traffic on a nearby freeway drowns out the rustling of leaves in the wind. From across the street comes the nagging... -
Las infraestructuras lineales y su efecto barrera sobre los vertebrados.
Revisión del efecto barrera de una infraestructura (en sentido amplio, incluyendo carreteras, vías de tren, líneas eléctricas, presas, y canales) sobre vertebrados con una... -
Programa de mortandad de vertebrados en las carreteras. Conclusiones provisio...
Conclusiones preliminares del inventario de atropellos de vertebrados en la región de Galicia, NO España. Las carreteras prospectadas fueron eligidas para cubrir diferentes... -
Habitat selection, activity peaks and strategies to avoid road mortality by t...
Little owls (Athene noctua) were censused 200 times at night with the aid of a light intensifier along a 40 km road-transect which ran across habitats allowing enough... -
El TAV y el águila perdicera (Hieraäetus fasciatus): Resultados de las medida...
La afectación por parte del proyecto constructivo del Tren de Alta Velocidad a un sector de cría de una pareja de águilas perdiceras situada en El Penedès, comportó que la... -
Noise pollution in national parks: soundscape and economic valuation.
In this study a national park soundscape characterisation was contrasted with an economic estimation of the impact of noise pollution on the park visitors’ perception. The main... -
Las obras de la autovía A-15 en el paso de Dos Hermanas y las aves rupícolas.
Durante la construcción de una nueva autovía, la A-15 (Navarra, norte de España), se investigó el impacto de voladuras sobre el comportamiento y éxito reproductor de las... -
Traffic noise pollution does not influence habitat selection in the endangere...
Traffic noise is an associated effect of roads, potentially impacting wildlife. In the case of birds, it may alter spatial distribution, behavioural responses and physiological... -
Effects of traffic noise on paserine populations in Mediterranean wooded past...
The effect of traffic noise on the breeding density of 20 passerine species was examined over a 2-year period in three different road types passing through pasture-woodlands in... -
How to deal with traffic noise for mitigation? Insights from the use of stand...
How to deal with traffic noise for mitigation? Insights from the use of standard methods around wildlife crossings. Palabras clave: Environmental impact assessment, Fauna... -
Los costes externos del transporte en Catalunya.
Los costes externos del transporte en Catalunya. Palabras clave: Colisión, Ruido, Contaminación -
Road traffic noise impact assessment in a breeding colony of cinereous vultur...
There is a global and growing concern with regard to anthropogenic noise impact on wildlife and natural habitats, but it is difficult to find consensus regarding scoping and...