The preparation and publication of reports on the state of Natural Heritage and Biodiversity is regulated by article 11 of Law 42/2007, of December 13, on Natural Heritage and Biodiversity.
Latest Report published: IEPNB 2022 Report
Based on the modification of Law 42/2007, of December 13, by Law 33/2015, of September 21, this is the second annual report based solely on indicators . It is summarized with links to the website for further information.
It is a key document for the knowledge and monitoring of our natural heritage, since it synthetically shows its state and trends through a set of indicators carried out continuously over the last ten years.
2022 Report on the state of Natural Heritage and Biodiversity in Spain

Report on the application of the Habitats Directive in Spain corresponding to the period 2013-2018
The Habitats Directive requires each State to prepare a six-year report on the provisions they have adopted for compliance. In Spain, this commitment is also an express mandate of Law 42/2007, of December 13, on Natural Heritage and Biodiversity.
Report on the application of the Habitats Directive in Spain 2013-2018
IEPNB six-year reports
Article 11 of Law 42/2007, modified by Law 33/2015, of September 21, establishes that "a report will be prepared every six months on the status and evolution of the Natural Heritage and Biodiversity, which will also contain a evolution of the results achieved by the main policies adopted in this matter".
In 2020, the first six-year report on the state of Natural Heritage and Biodiversity is prepared.
Report on the state of Natural Heritage and Biodiversity in Spain as of 2020

Annual reports
Based on data from the Spanish Inventory of Natural Heritage and Biodiversity, the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge, with the collaboration of the autonomous communities, and, where appropriate, other bodies of the General Administration of the State, prepares and publishes annually a report with the values, analysis and interpretation of the results of the Indicator System. This report must be presented to the State Commission for Natural Heritage and Biodiversity and the State Council for Natural Heritage and Biodiversity, before being made public.
Using the 2009 report as the basis for comparisons, the following reports have already been published to date: