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The indicator system of the Spanish Inventory of Natural Heritage and Biodiversity shows its results in a synthetic way, so that they can be transmitted to society as a whole, incorporated into decision-making processes and integrated on a supranational scale.

In the 2022 Report on the state of Natural Heritage and Biodiversity in Spain you can consult a graphic summary of the main IEPNB indicators ordered by subject.

The Wild Species indicators for the year 2022 are currently available:

Indicator 3 of the six-year report:

  • Short-term population trend of birds of community interest (2013 – 2018);
  • Conservation status of species of community interest by taxonomic group (2013 – 2018);
  • Conservation status of species of community interest by biogeographic region (2013 – 2018).

Indicator 10 and 14: Number of taxa identified by taxonomic group, with indication of the percentage of species that have some degree of threat.

Indicator 4 and 11: Wild species by conservation status by taxonomic group .

Indicator 15: Number of wild species per taxonomic group with some protection regime .

Indicator 16: Number of wild species with an action plan, by taxonomic group .

Indicator 46: Number of invasive alien species .