Mainstreaming biodiversity in transport infrastructure management thanks to sensor‑based data collection: future trends according to the BISON project.

Biodiversity and transport sectors use data and tools for specific purposes which can often be mutualised offering opportunities for costefficient improvement of transport infrastructure and biodiversity management. Sensor-based data collection and AI offer a large field of future intersectorial collaborative research opportunities.

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Cite como

Moulherat S. Teillagorry M. Jehan F. Autret Y. Fernández L. Figueras A. Franzoni L. Miralles E. Seiler A. Solina J. y Yilmazer P. Mainstreaming biodiversity in transport infrastructure management thanks to sensor‑based data collection: future trends according to the BISON project. Infrastructure & Ecology Network Europe, 2023.

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Recuperado: 23 Feb 2025 07:21:09


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Fecha de creación 02-12-2024
Fecha de última modificación 22-02-2025
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Nombre del autor Moulherat, S., Teillagorry, M., Jehan, F., Autret, Y., Fernández, L., Figueras, A., Franzoni, L., Miralles, E., Seiler, A., Solina, J. y Yilmazer, P.
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