Forest management effects on nesting habitat selected by eurasian black vultures (Aegypius monachus) in Central Spain.

They studied two recently established colonies of Eurasian Black Vultures (Aegypius monachus). One was located in an abandoned maritime pine (Pinus pinaster) plantation formerly used for resin production. The other colony was in a Scots pine (P. silvestris) plantation currently used for timber production. Vultures used nest sites with mature trees in forest openings and on steep slopes in the medium-upper mountain sides. These openings had relatively few roads. Differences in tree density, distance to the nearest neighbour's nest, and tolerance to high road density were observed between the nest sites used by the two colonies. Sylvicultural practices in both forests explained differences in nest-site selection between the colonies. Palabras clave: Bird, Bird of prey, Breeding, Breeding area, Clearance, Coniferous woodland, Disturbance, Forest, Forestry road, Mountain, Tree

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Fargallo J.A. Blanco G. y Soto-Largo E. Forest management effects on nesting habitat selected by eurasian black vultures (Aegypius monachus) in Central Spain. SORA, 1998.

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Recuperado: 02 Feb 2025 22:55:37


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Fecha de creación 02-12-2024
Fecha de última modificación 02-02-2025
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Categoría temática ISO 19115
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Nombre del autor Fargallo, J.A., Blanco, G. y Soto-Largo, E.
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