Characterization of benthic communities in a subaqueous dune field on the continental shelf (Mar Menor, Western Mediterranean)

Multibeam swath bathymetry, sediment and benthos samples (including both epifauna and infauna) and submarine images were explored to characterize benthic communities in a subaqueous dune field on the Mar Menor middle shelf (western Mediterranean). The dunes are 2–5 m high and spaced 400–1100 m apart, with a predominant NE-SW orientation oblique to the shoreline. The benthic communities show high spatial variability in diversity. Three types of habitat showing a different species composition are distinguished in the subaqueous dune field.

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Demestre M. Muntadas A. Sanchez P. Garcia-de-Vinuesa A. Mas J. Franco I. Duran R. y Guillén J. Characterization of benthic communities in a subaqueous dune field on the continental shelf (Mar Menor Western Mediterranean). Springer Nature, 2017.

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Recuperado: 24 Feb 2025 14:52:40


Información básica
Tipo de recurso Artículo
Fecha de creación 05-11-2024
Fecha de última modificación 24-02-2025
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Identificador de los metadatos 5823e731-2df2-5c92-b077-b64c3d3fa31e
Idioma de los metadatos Español
Temáticas (NTI-RISP)
Categoría del conjunto de alto valor (HVD) Observación de la Tierra y medio ambiente
Categoría temática ISO 19115
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Información bibliográfica
Nombre del autor Demestre, M., Muntadas, A., Sanchez, P., Garcia-de-Vinuesa, A., Mas, J., Franco, I., Duran, R. y Guillén, J.
Nombre del editor Springer Nature
Identificador alternativo DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-33940-5_32
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