Asparagus macrorrhizus Pedrol, Regalado et Lpez-Encina, an endemic species fr...
Asparagus maritimus is a species distributed in sandy soils along the Mediterranean coast. It has been reported as salt tolerant and resistant to rust. The wild asparagus... -
Origen, naturaleza, causas y consecuencias del fenómeno de mancha blanca del ...
El presente informe presenta los resultados y avances de la investigación en curso sobre la na turaleza, dinámica y origen del fenómeno de blanqueamiento del agua conocido como... -
Influence of landscape factors on amphibian roadkills at the national level.
Roads exert multiple effects on wildlife, from animal mortality, habitat and population fragmentation, to modification of animal reproductive behaviour. Amphibians are the most... -
Amphibian road-kills in Mediterranean habitats.
Amphibian road-kills in Mediterranean habitats. Palabras clave: Amphibian -
Dinámica del riesgo de ignición en un área de interfase urbano-forestal.
La aceleración del proceso masivo de urbanización dispersa en zonas de interfase urbano-forestal reafirma la necesidad de aplicar políticas de prevención de los incendios... -
Identificación de posibles vertidos de desalobradoras en la cuenca vertiente ...
Junto con los miembros de la Comisaría de Aguas de la Confederación Hidrográfica del Segura (CHS), se realizó un recorrido de campo el día 4 de Agosto. Dado que en ese recorrido... -
Effects of forest fragmentation on the distribution of the lizard Psammodromu...
This study reports the population responses of the lizard Psammodromus algirus to forest fragmentation by comparing its distribution in two contrasting situations of habitat... -
Tolerance of Mediterranean seagrasses (Posidonia oceanica and Cymodocea nodos...
Documento integrante de la bibliografía empleada para el informe: Status Assessment de Cymodocea Nodosa en el ámbito de OSPAR -
Programa de Gestión Sostenible del Medio Marino Andaluz. Informe Regional 2011.
Documento integrante de la bibliografía empleada para el informe: Status Assessment de Cymodocea Nodosa en el ámbito de OSPAR -
Toxicity characterization of surface sediments from a Mediterranean coastal l...
The occurrence of bioactive compounds and contaminant-associated effects was assessed by means of in vivo and in vitro assays using different extractable fractions of surface... -
Rhizosphere and flooding regime as key factors for the mobilisation of arseni...
The occurrence of mining areas in the vicinities of salt marshes may affect their ecological functions and facilitate the transfer of pollutants into the food chain. The... -
Road ecology and mammals: road-kills, barrier effect and mitigation measures.
Road ecology and mammals: road-kills, barrier effect and mitigation measures. -
Abandoned mine sites as a source of contamination by heavy metals: A case stu...
Mining and milling operations, including grinding, concentrating ores and disposal of tailings, along with mine and mill waste water, provide obvious sources of contamination in... -
Implementing deficit irrigation scheduling through plant water stress indicat...
A three-year experiment on early nectarine (Prunus persica L. Batsch cv. Flanoba) trees was carried out with the aim of increasing water use efficiency through applying a... -
Sea baths as an example of sustainable architecture without an ecological foo...
By the last third of the nineteenth century, many sea bath structures were raised by the Spanish Levante, but currently only San Antonio ' s sea bath, jutting out over the Mar... -
Can an oligotrophic coastal lagoon support high biological productivity? Sour...
Coastal lagoons are among the most productive systems in the world. Many marine species make use of this by entering the lagoons as juveniles for nursery and growth before... -
The influence of road networks on brown bear spatial distribution and habitat...
The influence of road networks on brown bear spatial distribution and habitat suitability in a human‐modified landscape. -
Whose waters, whose nutrients? Knowledge, uncertainty, and controversy over e...
This work explores the role of knowledge claims and uncertainty in the public dispute over the causes and solutions to nonpoint-driven overfertilization of the Mar Menor lagoon... -
Shallow waters as critical habitats for fish assemblages under eutrophication...
En este estudio, aplicamos un indicador basado en peces para evaluar la calidad ecológica de aguas someras bajo diferentes escenarios de estrés ambiental mediado por... -
Extreme storms during the last 6500 years from lagoonal sedimentary archives ...
Storms and tsunamis, which may seriously endanger human society, are amongst the most devastating marine catastrophes that can occur in coastal areas. Many such events are known...