Spanish national inventory on road mortality of vertebrates.
The authors promoted a national-level survey on road mortality of vertebrate in Spain, on a monthly basis between 1991-1994. More than 43,000 vertebrates belonging to 303 taxa... -
Effects of direct human disturbance on the endemic Iberian frog Rana iberica ...
There is widespread concern about the global decline of amphibians, but little is known about whether and how direct human disturbance might affect populations. The goal of this... -
A System for Monitoring Marine Environments based on Wireless Sensor Networks
In this paper a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) for monitoring a coastal shallow water marine environment is presented. The study area is located in the Mar Menor coastal lagoon,... -
WiMMed, a distributed physically-based watershed model (II): Application exam...
WiMMed (Water Integrated Management for Mediterranean Watersheds) is a physically based and distributed model at watershed scale developed for integrated management of water... -
Modelado de ecosistemas
A partir de los ecosistemas estudiados por esta área, se pretende validar como los modelos numéricos pueden servir como herramienta para la elaboración de estudios de... -
Life cycle of the jellyfish Rhizostoma pulmo (Scyphozoa: Rhizostomeae) and it...
Rhizostoma pulmo is one of the most abundant scyphomedusae along the Mediterranean coasts. To understand changes in the population densities of the medusa stage and its... -
The presence of rabbits adjacent to roads increases polecat road mortality.
Road mortality is an increasing problem for terrestrial vertebrate conservation due to the increase of both road numbers and vehicle flow. We hypothesize that the probability of... -
Informe de actualización de resultados del programa de seguimiento del Mar Me...
El propósito de este informe es la actualización del progreso de las actividades del proyecto BELICH y de las variables indicadoras del estado del Mar Menor. Para ello se... -
Interactions between seagrass complexity, hydrodynamic flow and biomixing alt...
Documento integrante de la bibliografía empleada para el informe: Status Assessment de Cymodocea Nodosa en el ámbito de OSPAR -
Post-veraison deficit irrigation regimes enhance berry coloration and health-...
The impact of different post-veraison deficit irrigation regimes on yield, berry coloration and bioactive compounds in a commercial vineyard of ‘Crimson Seedless’ cv. was... -
Effects of habitat encroachment by roads on space use and movement patterns o...
Roads are a significant cause of habitat fragmentation and a barrier to movement of several species across the world. Terrestrial species with low mobility, low abundance and... -
Large and non-specific bird mortality in a high-speed railway traversing a Sp...
Human activities alter ecosystems where they are built and they frequently shape in the midor long-term their structure and function. Thus, it is essential to know how new... -
Sonic devices effectiveness in keeping wildlife off the road.
Road networks represent a major disturbance for wildlife, and their continued development threat-ens biodiversity. Many mitigation measures show reliable results at reducing... -
An objective approach to select surrogate species for connectivity conservation.
Connected landscapes can increase the effectiveness of protected areas by facilitating individual movement and gene flow between populations, thereby increasing the persistence... -
Hydrogeological modelling for the watershed management of the Mar Menor coast...
The Mar Menor is the largest lagoon along the Spanish Mediterranean coast. It suffers from eutrophication and algal blooms associated with intensive agricultural activities and... -
GDefrag: a graph-based tool to help defragmenting landscapes divided by linea...
Habitat fragmentation is a major biodiversity threat. Linear infrastructures (e.g. roads) hamper the movement of individuals and cause non-natural mortality. Roadkill hotspots... -
How many rodents die on the road? Biological and methodological implications ...
Some small mammal species use road verges as a habitat for sheltering. As a result, their populations suffer mortality from roadkill in an unknown extent. We analysed the road... -
Individual spatial responses towards roads: implications for mortality risk.
Background Understanding the ecological consequences of roads and developing ways to mitigate their negative effects has become an important goal for many conservation... -
Primer registro de la fase juvenil de la anguila europea Anguilla anguilla en...
La anguila europea Anguilla anguilla (Linneo, 1758) es una especie eurihalina tradicionalmente considerada catadroma, es decir, pasa parte de su vida en el mar y otra parte en... -
Expansión urbana y turismo en la Comarca del Campo de Cartagena-Mar Menor (Mu...
En las últimas décadas, la comarca estudiada ha experimentado una expansión urbana sin precedentes motivada por el turismo residencial. Esto ha supuesto un notable impacto...