The influence of site factors and proximity of adjacent vegetation on tree re...
Many studies have shown evidence of very rapid natural colonization of trees on roadslopes. Tree colonization on roadslopes can be a useful tool in the ecological restoration of... -
Directiva INSPIRE. Anexo III. Tema 19. Distribución de especies
El presente documento se elabora por la Dirección General de Biodiversidad y Calidad Ambiental del Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica (MITECO) en el marco del Inventario... -
COST 341. Fauna y tráfico. Manual europeo para la identificación de conflicto...
COST 341. Fauna y tráfico. Manual europeo para la identificación de conflictos y el diseño de soluciones. -
The nitrogen cycling in the water of the coastal lagoon of Mar Menor and its ...
In this work, we present additional evidence about the nitrification process that occurs in the Mar Menor and how this process affects the turbidity observed in the lagoon... -
Phosphorus fractionation and distribution in salt marsh soils affected by min...
The study aimed to establish the distribution and fate of phosphorus in the soils of a coastal salt marsh affected by mine wastes and wastewater effluents. Water samples from... -
Atropellos y cruces de animales vivos en las carreteras del Moianès. (Diciemb...
Este estudio es un intento de relacionar los picos estacionales de actividad con las tasas de atropello. Palabras clave: Siniestralidad con fauna, carretera, Mortalidad -
Human footprint and mountain lion territory use in human-dominated landscapes.
This is the first study that combines fine-scale radiotelemetry with landscape light, and road noise and light pollution. Our findings will be of interest for mountain lion... -
Redefinición de medidas correctoras de impactos ambientales residuales en inf...
Redefinición de medidas correctoras de impactos ambientales residuales en infraestructuras lineales de transporte. -
Anthropogenic nutrient sources and loads from a Mediterranean catchment into ...
The Mar Menor is a coastal lagoon increasingly threatened by urban and agricultural pressures. The main watercourse draining into the lagoon is the Rambla del Albujón. A... -
Arsenic zoning in a coastal area of the Mediterranean Sea as a base for manag...
The mining activity that has taken place in the mining district of the Sierra Minera of Cartagena-La Union in the SE Spain has caused a great dispersion of potentially dangerous... -
Temporal patterns of bird mortality due to road traffic collisions in a Medit...
There was significant variation on the incidence of road traffic mortality across bird species, due to seasonal and weather effects but also due to differences between years. To... -
Integrated management in coastal lagoons of highly complexity environments: R...
Enclosed coastal seas are usually high environmental value territories that are located, in many cases, in developed countries often subjected to a large catalog of anthropic... -
Causas de la rarificación.
Entre las causas de la mortalidad de 88 ejemplares de nutria (Lutra lutra), 14 (16%) fueron debidas a los atropellos. Los atropellos no parecen ser un factor importante en el... -
Local perceptions regarding a social-ecological system of the mediterranean c...
The social-ecological system of the Mar Menor located in southeastern Spain is facing serious environmental degradation which is generating important economic and social... -
Nutrient and particulate inputs into the Mar Menor lagoon (Se Spain) from an ...
The Mar Menor is a Mediterranean coastal lagoon of high conservation interest, but highly threatened by non-point pollution derived from agricultural lands. This is the first... -
Fan-surface dynamics and biogenic calcrete development: Interactions during u...
Pleistocene alluvial fan surfaces of the Campo de Cartagena-Mar Menor Basin (Murcia, SE Spain) are capped by thick mature calcretes. Calcrete profiles consist mainly of six... -
In two waters: contemporary evolution of lagoonal and marine white seabream (...
Brackish water ecosystems are often exposed to wide variations in environmental variables, including temperature and salinity, which may cause strong selective pressures on... -
Relationship between temperature and road traffic noise under actual conditio...
This paper focuses on studying the influence of temperature on the sound pressure level of tire-road noise emission using continuous environmental noise measurements. In situ... -
Programa de Gestión Sostenible del Medio Marino Andaluz. Informe Regional 2022.
Documento integrante de la bibliografía empleada para el informe: Status Assessment de Cymodocea Nodosa en el ámbito de OSPAR -
Methods to monitor and mitigate wildlife mortality in railways.
Recording wildlife mortality on railways is challenging as they have narrow corridors and lower accessibility. To improve mitigation measures, surveys must be systematic and...