Mortandad de anfibios en carreteras de la provincia de Pontevedra.
Survey of vertebrate mortality in a 13-km road stretch in Pontevedra province (NW Spain). Only amphibians were recorded. Un inventario de la mortalidad de vertebrados en un... -
Prescripciones técnicas para hacer efectivos los seguimientos de las medidas ...
Prescripciones técnicas para hacer efectivos los seguimientos de las medidas de mitigación del efecto barrera de las infraestructuras de transporte (diseño, documentación y... -
Is vertebrate mortality correlated to potential permeability by underpasses a...
Road permeability to animal movements depends among several factors on structures which, integrated in the road design, operate as safe conducts to mitigate vehicle collision... -
An approach to road networks and soundscapes.
Roads and traffic are the most important source of noise in the environment. Moreover, much research effort has been aimed to identify and to quantify road impacts on animal... -
Conciliant la carretera amb la conservació de la biodiversitat.
Conciliant la carretera amb la conservació de la biodiversitat. -
Can road verges provide any ecosystem services? A theoretical framework.
Can road verges provide any ecosystem services? A theoretical framework. Palabras clave: Ecosystem, Flora, Highway, Motorway, Vegetation, Verge -
How many days to monitor a wildlife passage? Species detection patterns and t...
How many days to monitor a wildlife passage? Species detection patterns and the estimation of vertebrate fauna using crossing structures in a motorway. Palabras clave: Barrier,... -
Why do we need crossing structures? An agent based modeling approach.
Road-kill and barrier effect are amongst the most important negative effects of roads. Mammalian carnivores may be particularly vulnerable to these effects given their typical... -
Informe provisional del seguimiento de la mortalidad de vertebrados en las ca...
Vertebrate mortality survey in roads of Cartagena (SE Spain). The surveyed roads were located roughly close to the coast. The most affected species were Passer domesticus,... -
Spatial–temporal patterns in mediterranean carnivore road casualties: consequ...
Many carnivores have been seriously impacted by the expansion of transportation systems and networks; however we know little about carnivore response to the extent and magnitude... -
Seasonal variation in vertebrate traffic casualties and its implications for ...
Wildlife mortality on roads is a global conservation problem. To implement a cost-effective programme of mitigation measures, it is essential to determine spatial and temporal... -
Mortandad de vertebrados.
The Society for the Conservation of Vertebrates has recorded during three years vertebrate casualties in railway lines. A total of 329 records were gathered (182 birds, 125... -
Effects of forest fragmentation on a guild of wintering passerines: the role ...
Effects of forest fragmentation on a guild of wintering passerines: the role of habitat selection. Palabras clave: Bird, Forest, Fragmentation, Habitat -
Landscape connectivity and spatial prioritization in an urbanising world: a n...
Habitat fragmentation affects amphibian populations worldwide. Urban expansion and associated infrastructure are a main cause of habitat degradation and loss of landscape-scale... -
How to deal with traffic noise for mitigation? Insights from the use of stand...
How to deal with traffic noise for mitigation? Insights from the use of standard methods around wildlife crossings. Palabras clave: Environmental impact assessment, Fauna... -
Los costes externos del transporte en Catalunya.
Los costes externos del transporte en Catalunya. Palabras clave: Colisión, Ruido, Contaminación -
Seguimiento del uso de las estructuras transversales de la autovía A-40 por l...
Seguimiento del uso de las estructuras transversales de la autovía A-40 por los vertebrados terrestres, antes y durante la construcción de la línea de alta velocidad... -
Connectivitat biològica i pla d'espais d'interés natural (PEIN): diagnosi gen...
Connectivitat biològica i pla d'espais d'interés natural (PEIN): diagnosi general. Palabras clave: Connectivitat, Xarxa ecològica, Paisatge -
Roads as ecological corridors.
The protection of the environment constitutes a key aspect of all countries’ policy. The variety of wildlife (animals and plants) of our planet is enormous, so we should not...