La mortalitat d’animals salvatges a les carreteres de les Balears: estudi pil...
Roadkills were identified and counted in a physiographically uniform area in the island of Mallorca. The transects involved a limited selection of roads spanning a wide... -
Indicador 16: Número de especies silvestres con plan de acción por grupo taxo...
Este indicador tiene el objetivo principal de disponer de las variables básicas relativas a los planes de acción aprobados para la conservación y recuperación de las especies... -
Identification of strategic corridors for restoring landscape connectivity: a...
The conservation or creation of ecological corridors is a key to support species persistence in fragmented landscapes. However, little guidance exists on where to concentrate... -
An appropriate language for an expansive streamlined defragmentation in Spain.
A specific language scheme has been successfully implemented as the basis for a collaborative, coherent and streamlined action process for habitat defragmentation in Spain. As a... -
El plan de manejo del lince en el Parque Nacional de Doñana. Memoria recapitu...
Since late 1982 until february 1998, 63 Iberian lynx were found dead or injured in Doñana and surrounding areas. In 19 cases car casualties was the cause of mortality, and in... -
Magnitude, composition and spatiotemporal patterns of vertebrate roadkill at ...
Although roadkill studies on a large scale are challenging, they can provide valuable information to assess the impact of road traffic on animal populations. Over 22 months... -
The road to success and the fences to be crossed: considering multiple infras...
The road to success and the fences to be crossed: considering multiple infrastructure in landscape connectivity modelling. -
Wildlife–vehicle collision mitigation: Is partial fencing the answer? An agen...
Evaluating management options for mitigating the impacts of wildlife–vehicle collisions (WVC) is a major goal for road ecology. Fencing along roads in conjunction with the... -
Mitigation of barrier effect of linear infrastructures on wildlife.
The permeabilisation of linear infrastructures is essential to mitigate the fragmentation that new infrastructures cause on wildlife populations. Although in some locations... -
Inter-individual variability of stone marten behavioral responses to a highway.
Efforts to reduce the negative impacts of roads on wildlife may be hindered if individuals within the population vary widely in their responses to roads and mitigation... -
Assessing landscape functional connectivity in a forest carnivore using path ...
We aimed to evaluate the role of spatial units with different shapes and sizes on road-kill modeling for small vertebrate species. We used the road-kill records of two reptiles,... -
Características de vía y entorno que determinan la localización de los atrope...
Características de vía y entorno que determinan la localización de los atropellos de mamíferos en hábitats mediterráneos. Palabras clave: Siniestralidad con fauna, Mamíferos -
Wild boar population increase and traffic safety: how can we reduce the confl...
Wild boar population increase and traffic safety: how can we reduce the conflicts? Palabras clave: Collision, Fauna casualty, Fauna passage, Fence, Highway, Traffic safety,... -
Incidencia de atropellos de mamíferos silvestres no cinegéticos en la red via...
La red viaria se ha identificado como un importante agen-te antrópico de transformación ambiental que supone una amenaza para laconservación de la fauna silvestre y genera una... -
Estudio previo de afecciones a la fauna silvestre en la autovía el Norte.
This is a report of almost two years of data collection of road kills on a highway in Navarra province (N Spain). One hundred and sixty-six casualties were recorded, with a... -
Gestión forestal y conservación de las aves en España peninsular.
Gestión forestal y conservación de las aves en España peninsular. Palabras clave: Aves, Bosques -
Predicting wildlife road-crossing probability from roadkill data using occupa...
Wildlife-vehicle collisions (WVC) represent a major threat for wildlife and understanding how WVC spatial patterns relate to surrounding land cover can provide valuable... -
Roadkill as a threat to global mammal conservation.
The ongoing expansion of the global road network and the associated growth in traffic intensity represent a threat for many vertebrate species. With 25 million kilometres of new... -
Efectos de la manipulación de la disponibilidad de alimento invernal sobre la...
The authors conclude that the availability of food in woodland fragments of less than 2 ha was sufficient to maintain body condition over winter, and that additional food... -
Impacto del tráfico rodado sobre los vertebrados del Parque Natural de L'Albu...
Survey of vertebrate mortality in Albufera Natural Park, E Spain. A 8-km stretch of a local road was intensively surveyed. The road passes right on the border between two...