Abandoned Mine Tailings Affecting Riverbed Sediments in the Cartagena-La Unio...
This study presents the results of the geoenvironmental characterization of La Matildes riverbed, affected by mine tailings in the Cartagena-La Union district, Murcia (southeast... -
Influence of groundwater sampling protocols on nitrate data in official surve...
Este estudio pone de manifiesto las preocupaciones relativas a la fiabilidad de los datos sobre nitratos de aguas subterráneas compartidos con la UE en virtud de la Directiva... -
Seasonal input of regulated and emerging organic pollutants through surface w...
Seasonal input of organic pollutants through El Albujon Watercourse to the Mar Menor lagoon was estimated from Spring 2009 to Winter 2010, including regular periods and two... -
Una mirada global sobre el Mar Menor
La presente obra se divide en dos partes, la primera centrada en el papel que las aguas subterráneas desempeñan en los humedales costeros consta de tres capítulos y la segunda... -
Application of Hydrological Simulation models to solve pollution impacts in t...
The use of fertilizers and pesticides in agriculture activity is a worldwide extended practice since decades for improving crops performance, which can cause, however, with... -
What weight should be assigned to future environmental impacts? A probabilist...
Cost-benefit analysis is a standard methodological platform for public investment evaluation. In high environmental impact projects, with a long-term effect on future... -
Los errores jurídico-políticos en torno al Mar Menor
El presente estudio procede al análisis del entramado jurídico-político que ha posibilitado llegar a la extrema situación en la que hoy se encuentra la laguna costera del Mar... -
Establishing the ecological quality status of soft-bottom mining-impacted coa...
The aim of the present study was to check the usefulness of the benthic biotic indices proposed for application in the European water framework directive (WFD 2000/60/EC) for... -
First records of non-indigenous Timarete caribous (Grube, 1859) (Polychaeta; ...
The knowledge and control of invasive species are essential in the management of marine ecosystems. The Mediterranean Sea is one of the marine areas with the highest number of... -
Notas sobre la flora algal bentónica de la costa murciana (S.E. de España)
Se indica hábitat y fenología en las costas murcianas de: Bonnemaisonia clavala (Woodward) C. Agardh, Galaxaura oblongata (Ellis & Solander) Lamouroux, Hypnea cewicornis J.... -
The management story of Mar Menor
The Mar Menor Lagoon is managed within a complex legislative and policy context, with a wide variety of institutions, policies and decision-makers. Agriculture and tourism are... -
Application of an integrated catchment-lake model approach for simulating eff...
Climate change is simultaneously affecting lakes and their catchments, resulting in altered runoff patterns in the catchment and modified mixing and biogeochemical dynamics in... -
La catástrofe del Mar Menor: catarsis educativa desde lo sonoro y lo visual
Este artículo parte de la asfixiante situación del Mar Menor, al sureste de España, la cual se ha visibilizado en los últimos tiempos con la aparición de toneladas de peces... -
Proteger y defender la Manga del Mar Menor: Estudio histórico-arqueológico de...
During the Sixteenth century, the North African pirates’ attacks hit peninsular coasts, including the southeast peninsular. In this situation, La Manga del Mar Menor was... -
Diseño del software de control de un UUV para monitorización oceanográfica us...
Los vehículos submarinos no tripulados (Unmanned Underwater Vehicles, UUVs) se diseñan para misiones de monitorización, inspección e intervención. En estudios oceanográficos y... -
GIS Assessment of Mass Tourism Anthropization in Sensitive Coastal Environmen...
On the Mediterranean coast, the tourism activity which has developed since the 1950s has become a mass tourism industry in recent decades, cohabitating with natural spaces of... -
ICZM Strategy for the Socioecological System of the Mar Menor (Spain): Method...
Lessons learned from the process of the ICZM Strategy as part of the socioecological system of the Mar Menor (Murcia, Spain) may well be of interest to coastal managers. ICZM... -
Protección del medio marino y sus especies en el Mar Menor: un punto de vista...
Ante la crisis ambiental por la que está pasando actualmente el Mar Menor, provocado por un cúmulo de actuaciones derivadas de las diferentes actividades urbanísticas,... -
Redacción de estrategia de gestión integrada de zonas costeras en el Mar Meno...
Se trata de la formulación de la Estrategia de GIZC de la laguna costera salada más grande del suroeste europeo. Se trata de un escenario de múltiples conflictos y transferencia... -
Análisis Estratégico de los Sistemas Socio-Ecológicos de Lagunas Costeras: Lo...
The present work has realized an integrated analysis of the pressures that affect the state of ecosystems and their services, as well as of the management mechanisms car- ried...