El regadío en la Región de Murcia. Caracterización y análisis mediante indica...
Se trata de un trabajo de investigación que caracteriza la situación actual del regadío de la Región de Murcia mediante indicadores de gestión. Además se aportan análisis de... -
The Role of Cymodocea nodosa and Caulerpa prolifera Meadows as Nitrogen Sinks...
In coastal lagoons, marine benthic macrophyte meadows can be an important element in the resistance to eutrophication of the ecosystem, as they can function as temporary... -
Potentially toxic element input into Mar Menor coastal lagoon (Spain) through...
Mar Menor, on the northern Mediterranean coast of Spain, is a coastal lagoon with a surface of 135 km2 , surrounded by agriculture fields and several towns, that support an... -
El turismo del Mar Menor: predominio de la segunda residencia
El Mar Menor por sus singularidades, tamaño de oferta y demanda e impacto económico sobre los municipios de la zona es, sin duda, el destino turístico más importante de la... -
A Review of Knowledge on the Impacts of Multiple Anthropogenic Pressures on t...
Mediterranean coastal lagoons provide important ecological functions and nature’s contribution to people, but they are particularly vulnerable to multiple pressures due to their... -
Richness and diversity of helminth species in eels from a hypersaline coastal...
The composition and diversity of parasite communities and intestinal components, as well as infra-community structure, were assessed in eels Anguilla anguilla, from Mar Menor, a... -
Antropización de un sistema acuífero multicapa mediterráneo (Campo de Cartage...
En esta Tesis Doctoral se han tratado tres aspectos principales o ejes de investigación: i) la reinterpretación de datos históricos de diferente índole para reconstruir la... -
Urbanisation and tourism in the Campo Cartagena-Mar Menor area (Murcia, Spain...
The building boom (1998-2007) that took place along the Mediterranean coast of Spain, where the Region of Murcia is situated, produced an enormous increase in the extent and... -
Informe de evolución y estado actual del Mar Menor en relación al proceso de ...
El informe proporciona una visión general y objetiva, basada en el conocimiento científico disponible, sobre la evolución del ecosistema lagunar del Mar Menor y el estado actual... -
Rights of Nature in Europe: The Spanish Lagoon Mar Menor Becomes a Legal Person
Following a popular initiative, the Spanish Parliament granted legal personality tot he lagoonof Mar Menor and gave the right to everybody to defend the lagoon's rights in... -
Distribution of anionic and nonionic surfactants in a sewage-impacted Mediter...
In this work we have monitored the seasonal inputs, occurrence and distribution of the world's most widely used surfactants (linear alkylbenzene sulfonates, LAS, nonylphenol... -
Paisaje urbano histórico: viviendas tradicionales en el litoral del Mar Menor...
En este trabajo nos hemos centrado en de las funciones de la cultura dentro de los ODS de la Agenda 2030 y cómo sería posible implementar una serie de medidas en el caso del... -
Assessment of sediment metal contamination in the Mar Menor coastal lagoon (S...
The Mar Menor coastal lagoon is one of the largest of the Mediterranean Sea. Ancient mining activities in the mountains near its southern basin have resulted in metal... -
Memoria de Gestión del Plan General Municipal de Ordenación de San Javier
El presente Documento para la Aprobación Provisional del PGMO San Javier recoge, de forma coherente, tanto las modificaciones adoptadas por el Informe de contestación de... -
Distribución y estado de conservación del fartet Aphanius iberus (Valencienne...
Aphanius iberus (= Lebias ibera) es una de las especies de vertebrados ibéricos en mayor peligro de extinción. Su carácter endémico y la drástica regresión que ha sufrido en las... -
Conclusiones: Simopsio sobre la creación de filtros verdes para la reducción ...
Conclusiones como: 1) Actuar sobre la rambla del Albujón, 2) Depurar o eliminar los vertidos, 3) ejecutar sondeos piezométricos, 4) incrementar los canales y tuberías de... -
Monitoring Coastal Lagoon Water Quality through Remote Sensing: The Mar Menor...
The Mar Menor is a hypersaline coastal lagoon located in the southeast of Spain. This fragile ecosystem is suffering several human pressures, such as nutrient and sediment... -
Site selection for European native oyster (Ostrea edulis) habitat restoration...
The European native oyster (Ostrea edulis) is a threatened keystone species which historically created extensive, physically complex biogenic habitats throughout European seas.... -
New records of sea cucumbers inhabiting Mar Menor coastal lagoon (SE Spain)
Two sea cucumber species, Holothuria impatiens and Oestergrenia digitata, were reported officially on Mar Menor coastal lagoon (SE Spain). Seven specimens of the first species... -
The European eel may tolerate multiple infections at a low biological cost
Most animals are concurrently infected with multiple parasites, and interactions among them may influence both disease dynamics and host fitness. However, the sublethal costs of...