Vertebrate road-kill patterns in Mediterranean habitats: who, when and where.

Road-kill is the most recognized impact of traffic and an important threat for biodiversity. Nevertheless, most research on this topic deals with particular species or with road features, describing proximate correlates and rarely making inference on the mechanisms. Here we provide a more general approximation by describing life-history, temporal and spatial factors affecting vertebrate road-kills in Mediterranean landscapes, which are a biodiversity hotspot with little studied road impacts. During one year we recorded the casualties found on paved roads within Doñana Natural Park. We found 2368 road-kills belonging to 66 species (32% of the study area checklist), with abundant ectotherm species more likely to be road-killed. We also investigated the temporal and spatial factors affecting the road-kill patterns of different taxonomic and functional groups. The phenology of the species was the main factor affecting road …

Data and Resources


Basic information
Resource type Text
Date of creation 2024-09-17
Date of last revision 2024-09-17
Show changelog
Metadata identifier 068cbbb7-1b29-5cf4-96d6-5664ad518848
Metadata language Spanish
Themes (NTI-RISP)
High-value dataset category
ISO 19115 topic category
Other identifier
Keyword URIs
Character encoding UTF-8
Spatial information
Geographic identifier Spain
Coordinate Reference System
Spatial representation Type
Bounding Box
"{\"type\": \"Polygon\", \"coordinates\": [[[-18.16, 27.64], [4.32, 27.64], [4.32, 43.79], [-18.16, 43.79], [-18.16, 27.64]]]}"
Spatial resolution of the dataset (m)
Lineage statement
Metadata Standard
Source dataset
Update frequency
  1. Biological Conservation. Vol. 191
  2. pags. 234-242
Process steps
Temporal extent (Start)
Temporal extent (End)
Version notes
Dataset validity
Responsible Party
Name of the dataset creator D'Amico, M., Román, J., De los Reyes, L. y Revilla, E.
Name of the dataset maintainer
Identifier of the dataset creator
Email of the dataset creator
Website of the dataset creator
Identifier of the dataset maintainer
Email of the dataset maintainer
Website of the dataset maintainer