Use of the Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8 Satellites for Water Quality Monitoring: An Early Warning Tool in the Mar Menor Coastal Lagoon

During recent years, several eutrophication processes and subsequent environmental crises have occurred in Mar Menor, the largest hypersaline coastal lagoon in the Western Mediterranean Sea. In this study, the Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 satellites are jointly used to examine the evolution of the main water quality descriptors during the latest ecological crisis in 2021, resulting in an important loss of benthic vegetation and unusual mortality events affecting different aquatic species. Several field campaigns were carried out in March, July, August, and November 2021 to measure water quality variables over 10 control points. The validation of satellite biogeochemical variables against on-site measurements indicates precise results of the water quality algorithms with median errors of 0.41 mg/m(3) and 2.04 FNU for chlorophyll-a and turbidity, respectively. The satellite preprocessing scheme shows consistent performance for both satellites; therefore, using them in tandem can improve mapping strategies. The findings demonstrate the suitability of the methodology to capture the spatiotemporal distribution of turbidity and chlorophyll-a concentration at 10-30 m spatial resolution on a systematic basis and in a cost-effective way. The multitemporal products allow the identification of the main critical areas close to the mouth of the Albujon watercourse and the beginning of the eutrophication process with chlorophyll-a concentration above 3 mg/m(3). These innovative tools can support decision makers in improving current monitoring strategies as early warning systems for timely assistance during these ecological disasters, thus preventing detrimental conditions in the lagoon.

Data and Resources


Basic information
Resource type Text
Date of creation 2024-07-16
Date of last revision 2024-09-17
Show changelog
Metadata identifier c398b9f4-d04d-52a9-8803-60677fc80697
Metadata language Spanish
Themes (NTI-RISP)
High-value dataset category
ISO 19115 topic category
Other identifier
Keyword URIs
Character encoding UTF-8
Spatial information
Geographic identifier Murcia
Coordinate Reference System
Spatial representation Type
Bounding Box
"{\"type\": \"Polygon\", \"coordinates\": [[[-2.34, 37.38], [-0.69, 37.38], [-0.69, 38.76], [-2.34, 38.76], [-2.34, 37.38]]]}"
Spatial resolution of the dataset (m)
Lineage statement
Metadata Standard
Source dataset
Update frequency
  1. Remote Sensing
  2. vol 14
  3. no 12
Process steps
Temporal extent (Start)
Temporal extent (End)
Version notes
Dataset validity
Responsible Party
Name of the dataset creator Caballero, I., Roca, M., Santos-Echeandia, J., Bernardez, P. y Navarro, G.
Name of the dataset maintainer
Identifier of the dataset creator
Email of the dataset creator
Website of the dataset creator
Identifier of the dataset maintainer
Email of the dataset maintainer
Website of the dataset maintainer