The Alpine marmot (Marmota marmota L.) in the Spanish Pyrenees.

The authors state that infrastructures have hampered the marmot (Marmota marmota) expansion in the Pyrenees. This idea is based on the results of French studies which reported how difficult is for marmots to settle in new colonies affected by human activity and infrastructure development.

Los autores afirman que las infraestructuras han dificultado la expansión de la marmota (Marmota marmota) en los Pirineos. La idea se basa en los resultados de estudios franceses que informaron sobre lo difícil que resulta para que las marmotas se establezcan en nuevas colonias afectadas por la actividad humana y el desarrollo de infraestructuras.

Data and Resources


Basic information
Resource type Text
Date of creation 2024-09-17
Date of last revision 2024-09-17
Show changelog
Metadata identifier a2bbe250-d0d4-5c7a-b6f5-58dd871d288d
Metadata language Spanish
Themes (NTI-RISP)
High-value dataset category
ISO 19115 topic category
Other identifier
Keyword URIs
Character encoding UTF-8
Spatial information
Geographic identifier Spain
Coordinate Reference System
Spatial representation Type
Bounding Box
"{\"type\": \"Polygon\", \"coordinates\": [[[-18.16, 27.64], [4.32, 27.64], [4.32, 43.79], [-18.16, 43.79], [-18.16, 27.64]]]}"
Spatial resolution of the dataset (m)
Lineage statement
Metadata Standard
Source dataset
Update frequency
  1. Zeitschrift für Säugertierkunde. Vol. 57
  2. pags. 211-215
Process steps
Temporal extent (Start)
Temporal extent (End)
Version notes
Dataset validity
Responsible Party
Name of the dataset creator Herrero, J., Canut, J., García-Ferré, D., García-González, R. y Hidalgo, R.
Name of the dataset maintainer
Identifier of the dataset creator
Email of the dataset creator
Website of the dataset creator
Identifier of the dataset maintainer
Email of the dataset maintainer
Website of the dataset maintainer