Rates and causes of mortality in a fragmented population of Iberian lynx Felis pardina Temminck, 1824.

In this work 29 Iberian lynx deaths are reported, 21% of which were caused by vehicles in a road bordering the western side of the Doñana National Park. This high mortality rate justified the construction of underpasses at places where lynx used to crossed that road (see Parque Nacional de Doñana 1998).

En este trabajo se informó sobre la muerte de 29 linces, 21% de las cuales fueron causadas por los vehículos en una carretera que rodea la parte occidental del Parque Nacional de Doñana. Esta elevada tasa de mortalidad justificó la construcción de pasos inferiores en lugares donde el lince solía cruzar aquella carretera (veáse Parque Nacional de Doñana 1998).

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Cite as

Ferreras P. Aldama J.J. Beltrán J.F. y Delibes M. Rates and causes of mortality in a fragmented population of Iberian lynx Felis pardina Temminck 1824. Elsevier, 1992. https://doi.org/10.1016/0006-3207(92)91116-A

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Retrieved: 24 Feb 2025 00:35:17


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Resource type Text
Date of creation 2024-12-02
Date of last revision 2025-02-23
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Metadata identifier f3192d27-880d-5a4b-b795-31c57ca064da
Metadata language Spanish
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High-value dataset category
ISO 19115 topic category
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Bibliographic information
Name of the dataset creator Ferreras, P., Aldama, J.J., Beltrán, J.F. y Delibes, M.
Name of the dataset editor Elsevier
Other identifier DOI: 10.1016/0006-3207(92)91116-A
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