Manual de prevenció i correcció dels impactes de les infraestructures viàrieas sobre la fauna. Documents dels quaderns de medi ambient.

The handbook focuses on two basic aspects: reducing the barrier effect and avoiding animals from being run over. It includes an introductory section with basic elements of ecology, general considerations on the effects of habitat fragmentation due to linear infrastructures and the requirements of different species to the barrier effect (these aspects provide a conceptual basis, which supports and justifies many of the latter ecomendations). Main part of the contents consist on a catalogue of measures to reduce barrier effect and to avoid road casualties, providing for each of them schemes and comments on their purpose, the species they are aimed at, possible variations, etc. The handbook contains an appendix on fieldwork procedures to the monitoring of measures.

El Manual se centra en dos aspectos básicos: la atenuación del efecto barrera de las vías y la prevención de los atropellos. Incluye una parte introductoria con conceptos básicos de ecología sobre el efecto de la fragmentación de hábitats y los requerimientos de distintas especies sensibles al efecto barrera (estos aspectos aportan una base conceptual que fundamenta y justifica las recomendaciones posteriores). La parte central consiste en un catálogo de medidas de permeabilización y para evitar atropellos, aportando esquemas orientativos y comentarios sobre a que especies va dirigida la medida, posibles variaciones, etc. El Manual se complementa con un anexo sobre metodologías de trabajo de campo aplicables al seguimiento de la efectividad de las medidas.

Data and Resources


Basic information
Resource type Text
Date of creation 2024-09-17
Date of last revision 2024-09-17
Show changelog
Metadata identifier 911847a3-fbcd-52a9-afa9-9fadd3423868
Metadata language Spanish
Themes (NTI-RISP)
High-value dataset category
ISO 19115 topic category
Other identifier
Keyword URIs
Character encoding UTF-8
Spatial information
Geographic identifier Spain
Coordinate Reference System
Spatial representation Type
Bounding Box
"{\"type\": \"Polygon\", \"coordinates\": [[[-18.16, 27.64], [4.32, 27.64], [4.32, 43.79], [-18.16, 43.79], [-18.16, 27.64]]]}"
Spatial resolution of the dataset (m)
Lineage statement
Metadata Standard
Source dataset
Update frequency
Process steps
Temporal extent (Start)
Temporal extent (End)
Version notes
Dataset validity
Responsible Party
Name of the dataset creator Rosell, C. y Velasco Rivas, J.M.
Name of the dataset maintainer
Identifier of the dataset creator
Email of the dataset creator
Website of the dataset creator
Identifier of the dataset maintainer
Email of the dataset maintainer
Website of the dataset maintainer