Long-term impact of deficit irrigation on the physical quality of berries in ‘Crimson Seedless’ table grapes

Only NI clusters showed lower quality than their irrigated counterparts. Neither RDI nor PRD had any noticeable effect on berry quality at the end of cold storage and shelf-life, with the slight differences detected between these treatments related to stem browning and dehydration. Sensory results were similar in RDI and PRD, which provided grapes that were more acceptable to consumers than the control. Thus, it is possible to decrease irrigation of table grapes without adversely affecting the physical quality of the berries.

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Cite as

Conesa M.R. de La Rosa J.M. Artés Hernández F. Dodd I.C. Domingo R. y Pérez Pastor A. Long-term impact of deficit irrigation on the physical quality of berries in ‘Crimson Seedless’ table grapes. Jhon Wiley & Sons, 2014. https://doi.org/10.1002/jsfa.6983

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Retrieved: 23 Feb 2025 18:17:59


Basic information
Resource type Article
Date of creation 2024-11-05
Date of last revision 2025-02-23
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Metadata identifier 06217069-f321-5522-94bd-30e8e7203d45
Metadata language Spanish
Themes (NTI-RISP)
High-value dataset category Earth observation and environment
ISO 19115 topic category
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Bibliographic information
Name of the dataset creator Conesa, M.R., de La Rosa, J.M., Artés Hernández, F., Dodd, I.C., Domingo, R. y Pérez Pastor, A.
Name of the dataset editor Jhon Wiley & Sons
Other identifier DOI: 10.1002/jsfa.6983
Identifier of the dataset creator
Email of the dataset creator hector.conesa@upct.es
Website of the dataset creator
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