National Forest Inventory IFN4 Strata
Data and Resources
Acceso al recursoSHP
Inventario Forestal Nacional IFN4 Estratos
Dataset extent
Basic information | |
Resource type | Spatial data set |
Date of creation | 2024-10-23 |
Date of last revision |
Show changelog |
Metadata identifier | IFN4_estratos |
Metadata language | Spanish |
Themes (NTI-RISP) | |
High-value dataset category | Geospatial |
ISO 19115 topic category | biota |
Other identifier | |
Keyword URIs | |
Character encoding | UTF-8 |
Spatial information | |
INSPIRE identifier | ESMITECOIFN4ESTRATOS20241031001 |
INSPIRE Themes | |
Geographic identifier |
![]() |
Coordinate Reference System | EPSG:25830 |
Spatial representation Type | Vector |
Bounding Box |
"{\"type\": \"Polygon\", \"coordinates\": [[[-18.16, 27.64], [4.32, 27.64], [4.32, 43.79], [-18.16, 43.79], [-18.16, 27.64]]]}"
Spatial resolution of the dataset | 25.000 m |
Provenance | |
Lineage statement |
The main processes carried out are: - Field work: Once the number of field plots to be surveyed in the entire province or autonomous community is known, which depends on the budget allocation, a sample of stratified systematic type plots is established, established on a wooded area on the nodes of a 1 km UTM grid, using an updated provincial forest map (MFE25) as cartography. The plots are distributed by tree formation, based on the error in volume with bark from the previous inventory, and within each tree formation, it is decided how many will be repeated and which will be surveyed for the first time. In addition, a discrepancy analysis is carried out that shows the coherence between the information from the previous inventory of the plots to be repeated and the cartographic base used. Once the sample of plots is final, the field work is planned and designed and the surveying of the field plots is carried out, in which exhaustive monitoring and control of the work is carried out. - Data processing: This phase is divided into two processes: cartographic and alphanumeric process: 1) The cartographic process is responsible for characterizing the entire surface, especially the wooded forest, to later define the strata, which will be used to extrapolate the data throughout the province or autonomous community, in the most homogeneous way possible. Previously, a data crossing is carried out in which the forest coherence between the information of the IFN field plots and that of the tiles of the forest map where they are located is analyzed. 2) The alphanumeric process is responsible for the selection of the rates or cubication equations to be used, as well as the calculation of the IAVC (Annual Volume Increase with Bark) in which specific equations are generated for each province, using empirical data from remeasured trees. The results obtained from this allow, among other actions, to statistically quantify the stocks per hectare and totals in number of major and minor trees, basal area, volume with and without bark, volume of firewood, IAVC, tree biomass and fixed carbon, both at the level of individual tree and by species, diameter class, tree formation, province or autonomous community; to classify the surface by uses, forest formations, species, and other parameters indicative of its evolution, quantitative and qualitative, through, among other tools, the comparison of inventories and the calculation of different dasometric and dendrometric indicators. – Publication of results: The dissemination of the results of the stock process is carried out mainly in digital format, through Excel tables, Access databases and a document in publication format at provincial and/or autonomous level. This publication summarizes in a graphic and visual way, through tables, graphs and maps, the main results of the data processes, in general, by land uses and stocks; individualized by the main tree formations; as well as showing the results obtained in biodiversity, wood quality, fuel models, phytosanitary status, economic valuation, biomass and carbon fixation, and environmental protection. |
Metadata Standard | |
Conformity | |
Source dataset | |
Update frequency | Decennial |
Sources |
Purpose | |
Process steps |
Temporal extent (Start) | |
Temporal extent (End) | |
Version notes | |
Version | |
Dataset validity |
Responsible Party | |
Name of the dataset creator | Jefa de Área de Inventario y Estadísticas Forestales |
Name of the dataset maintainer | Área de Banco de Datos de la Naturaleza |
Identifier of the dataset creator | |
Email of the dataset creator | |
Website of the dataset creator | |
Identifier of the dataset maintainer | |
Email of the dataset maintainer | |
Website of the dataset maintainer | |