Cambio Climático en el Mediterráneo español (segunda edición actualizada)
The first edition of the report “Climate Change in the Spanish Mediterranean” acknowledged the necessity of monitoring environmental conditions within the Mediterranean Sea and... -
Informe provisional del seguimiento de la mortalidad de vertebrados en varias...
Five national roads, one motorway (A-49) and some local roads were surveyed in Huelva province (SW Spain), most of them close to the coast. Conflictive roads such as N-442 were... -
Road proximity affects reproductive investment in lizards: a two-years transl...
Worldwide roads are in continuous expansion, with an expected increase of >60% by 2050. This may increase selection pressures on wildlife, urging applied ecologist to... -
Plantations can improve plant diversity and soil conditions at roadside.
Plantations can improve plant diversity and soil conditions at roadside. Palabras clave: Ecosystem, Embankment, Flora, Highway, Plant, Vegetation -
Forecast maps of potential economical damages caused by animal-vehicle collis...
Forecast maps of potential economical damages caused by animal-vehicle collisions. Palabras clave: Collision, Fauna, Fauna casualty, Highway, Mitigation -
Red General de Vías Pecuarias de España
El Servicio WMS (Web Map Service) denominado "Red de Vías Pecuarias" permite la visualización y consulta del conjunto de datos que representan la información sobre los ejes de... -
Avian roadkills occur regardless of bird evolutionary uniqueness across Europe.
Through an extensive literature review and using a large dataset collected from several European studies, we explored the frequency of occurrence of road bird casualties. First,... -
Effects of forest fragmentation on the winter body condition and population p...
Effects of forest fragmentation on the winter body condition and population parameters of an habitat generalist, the wood mouse Apodemus sylvaticus: a test of hypotheses.... -
Seneci del cap (Senecio inaequidens), una planta invasora.
The dispersal of this invasive plant is being favorised by roads. La dispersión de esta planta invasora se ve facilitada por las carreteras. -
Ecología del paisaje y seguimiento ambiental. Feedback en material ambiental.
Ecología del paisaje y seguimiento ambiental. Feedback en material ambiental. -
Algunos efectos de las obras de mejora de la carretera N 121-A, sobre el río ...
The effects of a tunnel construction on the water quality of Ulzama river were investigated. Several physical, chemical and biological parameters were measured at different... -
Indicador 48: Evolución de los pies dañados en la Red Nivel I
Este indicador tiene el objetivo principal de estimar el número de pies dañados por tipo de daño en las masas forestales de España y así informar del estado sanitario de los... -
Road impact assessment on the soundscape of a Costa Rican rainforest using do...
Soundscape evaluation through automated methods is an easy technique, which provides useful information about the characteristics of the surrounding landscape and biodiversity.... -
Capa de cambios anuales por OR de pérdidas clasificados (Islas Canarias) sobr...
Producto semiautomático generado a partir del cruce espacial de la capa de alertas anuales por ganancias y el MFE/FF -
Effects of linear infrastructures on the composition of local vertebrate scav...
Vertebrate scavengers provide an essential ecosystem service through the removal of carrion in natural landscapes, including wildlife casualties caused by linear infrastructures... -
Indicador 24: Cantidad de pies menores y pies mayores de las principales espe...
Este indicador refleja la evolución de las masas forestales en el territorio español relacionando la cantidad de pies menores y de pies mayores según las principales especies... -
Beware that the lack of wildlife mortality records can mask a serious impact ...
Linear infrastructures (e.g. roads, railways or power lines) promote a myriad of negative impacts on wildlife around the world, of which direct mortality is the most visible... -
Preferencias de hábitat de la musaraña común (Crocidura russula) en un encina...
Preferencias de hábitat de la musaraña común (Crocidura russula) en un encinar fragmentado de la submeseta norte. Palabras clave: Bosque, Fragmentación, Hábitats, Mamíferos,... -
La importancia del uso de distinta escala para prevenir atropellos.
La importancia del uso de distinta escala para prevenir atropellos. Palabras clave: Siniestralidad con fauna -
Railways as barriers for wildlife: current knowledge.
In this chapter we provide practical suggestions, together with examples, to identify, monitor and mitigate railway barrier effects on wildlife, as this is considered one of the...