Programa de medidas compensatorias para la autovía Jerez-Los Barrios.
Programa de medidas compensatorias para la autovía Jerez-Los Barrios. Palabras clave: Medidas compensatorias, Autopistas -
Mortalidad de rapaces en carreteras españolas.
A two-year survey of vertebrate mortality was carried out in Spain, the results showing that 5% of killed animals were raptors. Of these, mostly were nocturnal species (90.92%),... -
Los accidentes de circulación provocados por especies de caza mayor en Castil...
Se analizan los accidentes de circulación en los que especies de caza mayor se vieron implicadas en Castilla y León entre enero de 1999 y diciembre de 2003. De entre las... -
Phosphorus retention and fractionation in an eutrophic wetland: A one-year me...
This study aimed to evaluate the response of salt marshes to pulses of PO4 3--enriched water, with and without the presence of Phragmites australis. A one-year mesocosms... -
Tanteando en la oscuridad – efectividad de las medidas viarias para la mitiga...
En las últimas décadas los esfuerzos para minimizar el impacto potencial de las infraestructuras de transporte en la vida silvestre se han vuelto cada vez más importantes. Se ha... -
Estudio ecológico del zorro (Vulpes vulpes L., 1758) en la Sierra de Guadarrama.
This study reports that most resident adult red foxes used roads as the limits of their home ranges. One adult female, however, included one important road within her home... -
Litter descomposition process in embankments under Mediterranean conditions.
Litter descomposition process in embankments under Mediterranean conditions. Palabras clave: Ecosystem, Embankment, Monitoring -
Road effects on species abundance and population trend: a case study on tawny...
Urbanization and its inherent road network are one of the major movements that impulse landscape and biodiversity change, and its effects have yet to be fully understood. Few... -
Patrones de distribución de las aves en encinares fragmentados de la Meseta.
Patrones de distribución de las aves en encinares fragmentados de la Meseta. Palabras clave: Aves, Bosque, Fragmentación, Vertebrados -
Use of passages across a canal by wild mammals and related mortality.
From 1993–1998, we monitored a 24.1-km long concrete water canal in northern Spain for drowned mammals. Along the canal, 14 concrete bridges and 9 small bridges permitted... -
Low-cost automated GPS, electrical conductivity and temperature sensing devic...
Environmental and water quality monitoring are of utmost interest in a context where land use changes, uncontrolled agricultural practices, human settlements, tourism and other... -
Simulating the consequences of roads for wildlife population dynamics.
Rapidly expanding road networks have been a key driver of the fragmentation and isolation of many wildlife species, and are a source of significant mortality due to collisions... -
Spatiotemporal persistence of bat roadkill hotspots in response to dynamics o...
Wildlife roadkill hotspots are frequently used to identify priority locations for implementing mitigation measures. However, understanding the landscape-context and the spatial... -
Caminsdefauna.cat: a crowdmap of the ecological connectivity of catalan roads.
Caminsdefauna.cat: a crowdmap of the ecological connectivity of catalan roads. Palabras clave: Database, Fauna passage, Geographical information system, Highway, Underpass -
Infrastructure features outperform environmental variables explaining rabbit ...
Human disturbance is widespread across landscapes in the form of roads that alter wildlife populations. Knowing which road features are responsible for the species response and... -
GPS-based real-time application to warn drivers of high risk of animal-vehicl...
A wide range of mitigation measures have been proposed and tested to reduce the number of animal-vehicle collision (AVC). These mitigation measures work at different spatial... -
The responses of leaf litter invertebrates to environmental gradients along r...
Knowledge of how roads affect forest biodiversity can be improved by measuring the responses of indicator species to complex environmental gradients caused by these... -
Auditing and control programs: putting EIA recommendations for ecological imp...
If we examine the EIA process in different countries, it seems that it is linked to a previous phase of discussion of projects, through the administrative process.This previous... -
El lobo en Castilla-León.
Causes of mortality of 284 wolves between 1986 and 1988 were investigated, road casualties being responsible for 5.6% of deaths. Se investigaron las causas de mortalidad de 284... -
Introducción de medidas de prevención de incendios forestales en los estudios...
Introducción de medidas de prevención de incendios forestales en los estudios de impacto ambiental de proyectos de carreteras.