Estudio de los factores que influyen en la empresarialidad del sector turísti...
Este trabajo pretende, a través de una revisión histórica del pensamiento económico sobre la empresarialidad, centrado principalmente en la Escuela Austriaca de Economía, por... -
Monitoring Lipophilic Toxins in Seawater Using Dispersive Liquid-Liquid Micro...
The use of dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction (DLLME) is proposed for the preconcentration of thirteen lipophilic marine toxins in seawater samples. For this purpose, 0.5... -
The effects of a motorway on movement behaviour and gene flow in a forest car...
Roads represent barriers to animal movement due to physical obstruction, mortality, or behavioural avoidance. The population-level consequences of such constraints remain poorly... -
Bioacumulación de contaminantes y sus efectos sobre moluscos del Mar Menor
Desde el año 1991 el IEO lleva a cabo un estudio de los niveles de contaminantes en el Mediterráneo. Este plan de vigilancia ambiental incluye el estudio en mejillón, sedimento... -
Proyecto de recuperación ambiental del Mar Menor y su entorno
Proyecto de recuperación ambiental del Mar Menor y su entorno -
Ecosystem services and main environmental risks in a coastal lagoon (Mar Meno...
Coastal lagoons count among the marine habitats with the highest biological productivity, playing an important ecological role. Together with wetlands in general and coral... -
Condition of Gobius cobitis (Pallas, 1811) juveniles in the Mar Menor coastal...
Se investigaron las relaciones, a nivel de localidad, entre el estado de condición de los juveniles de Gobius cobitis y las variables del hábitat. Fueron analizadas las... -
The role of Cymodocea nodosa on the dynamic of trace elements in different ma...
During mining activitie historically developed at Sierra Minera (Cartagena-La Unión, Spain), high amounts of trace elements were discharged to the Mar Menor coastal lagoon... -
Moving Denitrifying Bioreactors beyond Proof of Concept: Introduction to the ...
Denitrifying bioreactors are organic carbon-filled excavations designed to enhance the natural process of denitrification for the simple, passive treatment of nitrate-nitrogen.... -
Bioaccumulation and fate of pharmaceuticals in a Mediterranean coastal lagoon...
Coastal ecosystems are particularly vulnerable to terrestrial inputs from human-impacted areas. The prevalence of wastewater treatment plants, unable to remove contaminants such... -
Phytomanagement of strongly acidic, saline eutrophic wetlands polluted by min...
The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of combining liming and vegetation for the phyto management of strongly acidic, saline eutrophic wetlands polluted by mine... -
Roadkills in Europe: areas of high risk of collision and critical for populat...
Roads and other linear infrastructures are among the largest and most visible human-made artefacts on the planet today and represent a threat for both endangered and common... -
El punto de vista de las asociaciones ecologistas.
El punto de vista de las asociaciones ecologistas. Palabras clave: Participación pública -
Ontologías duales en el Campo de Cartagena: el Mar Menor en disputa
En el año 2016, el Mar Menor sufrió un episodio de “eutrofización”: las aguas se tornaron de un color verde que no dejaba pasar luz solar impidiendo que las colonias vegetales... -
Prioritizing road‐kill mitigation areas: a spatially explicit national‐scale ...
Roads impact wildlife in different ways, among which road mortality has been the most studied. Budgets in conservation biology are usually small, and macroecological approaches... -
The Encanizadas of Mar Menor (Murcia, SE Spain): a case of recovery from a su...
This paper reviews the historical evolution, physical structure, physiographic and hydrographic conditions where the traditional fishing activity called encanizadas is... -
Estudio de paisajes resilientes al cambio climático en el Mar Menor: del ries...
Vivimos en una época donde la naturaleza no existe como una entidad única separada del ser humano, y los efectos del calentamiento global nos muestran la importancia de conocer... -
A new approach to monitor water quality in the Menor Sea (Spain) using satell...
The Menor sea is a coastal lagoon declared by the European Union as a sensitive area to eutrophication due to human activities. To control the deterioration of its water... -
Pulse-discharges of mining wastes into a coastal lagoon: Water chemistry and ...
Historical mining activities have led to the presence of enormous quantities of mining wastes, which cover large extensions of the Cartagena-La Union mining district (SE,... -
Ungulate vehicle collisions in a peri-urban environment: consequences of tran...
Ungulate vehicle collisions (UVC) provoke serious damage, including human casualties, and a large number of measures have been developed around the world to avoid collisions. We...