Resultados del seguimiento del uso de los pasos para fauna por parte de mamíf...
Los pasos se localizan en puntos de la carretera A-494 (entre Matalascañas y la A-49) donde se había registrado una incidencia relativamente alta de atropellos. El seguimiento... -
Motorways and roads affect foraging movements of diurnal raptors at different...
Little is known about the reaction of raptors toward roads. Here, we analyze the response of diurnal birds of prey to motorways and mid-size roads during their daily foraging... -
Roadkills in Europe: areas of high risk of collision and critical for populat...
Roads and other linear infrastructures are among the largest and most visible human-made artefacts on the planet today and represent a threat for both endangered and common... -
Estudio de impacto acumulado de la línea de alta velocidad Madrid-Zaragoza-Ba...
Dictamen sobre el impacto global del trazado de la nueva línea de alta velocidad Madrid-Barcelona-Frontera francesa sobre el medio natural, utilizando las aves como indicadores... -
El punto de vista de las asociaciones ecologistas.
El punto de vista de las asociaciones ecologistas. Palabras clave: Participación pública -
Influencia de los cercados en la fauna no cinegética.
This article discusses the impacts of game fences on non game fauna in fenced hunting areas of Spain. It lists the impacts of the fences as a) causing accidents, b) impeding the... -
Prioritizing road‐kill mitigation areas: a spatially explicit national‐scale ...
Roads impact wildlife in different ways, among which road mortality has been the most studied. Budgets in conservation biology are usually small, and macroecological approaches... -
Informe del impacto sobre la Reserva Natural de El Regajal-Mar de Ontígola po...
Informe del impacto sobre la Reserva Natural de El Regajal-Mar de Ontígola por la construcción de la autopista R-IV. Efectos sobre la fauna invertebrada Clase Insecta, Orden... -
Ungulate vehicle collisions in a peri-urban environment: consequences of tran...
Ungulate vehicle collisions (UVC) provoke serious damage, including human casualties, and a large number of measures have been developed around the world to avoid collisions. We... -
Mortalidad de la lechuza común (Tyto alba) en España central.
Study of mortality causes of the barn owl (Tyto alba) between 1983 and 1989. The study area included the provinces of Madrid, Toledo, Cuenca, Guadalajara, Ávila and Segovia. A... -
Edge effects on nest predation in Mediterranean fragmented forests.
Edge effects on nest predation in Mediterranean fragmented forests. Palabras clave: Bird, Edge, Forest, Fragmentation, Habitat fragmentation -
Do roads act as a barrier to gene flow of subterranean small mammals? A case ...
Road-barrier effects can lead to population isolation, with consequent negative outcomes for individuals and populations. Small mammals have been identified as particularly... -
Características que determinan la permeabilidad de las grandes infrastructura...
El acondicionamiento de drenajes y otras estructuras transversales para que puedan ser utilizadas como pasos de fauna puede contribuir de manera importante a la permeabilización... -
Los pasos para fauna en la autovía de las Rías Bajas.
Los pasos para fauna en la autovía de las Rías Bajas. Palabras clave: Conectividad, Fauna, Paso de fauna, Fragmentación del hábitat -
Ungulate: vehicle collision rates are associated with the phase of the moon.
The phase of the moon can affect activity patterns of nocturnal animals, and may also affect visibility for motorists. However, surprisingly little is known about whether the... -
Aproximación a los primeros resultados globales provisionales del PMVC.
First results of the national survey of vertebrate mortality in roads. All provinces were covered. Data distribution was not uniform among provinces. More than 29,000 dead... -
Natural protected areas as providers of ecological connectivity in the landsc...
The design of conservation plans for the improvement of habitats of threatened species constitutes one of the most plausible possibilities of intervention in the structure and... -
The spatial distribution of animal casualties within a road corridor: implica...
We assessed wildlife roadkill spatial patterns focusing on asphalt roads in southern Spanish oak rangelands (“dehesas”). Four roads in the Sierra Morena range (Andalusia) were... -
Conectividad ecológica del territorio y conservación de la biodiversidad. Nue...
El texto se divide en dos partes principales. En la primera parte se describe la problemática que se deriva de los procesos de fragmentación de hábitats naturales y poblaciones... -
Dry pathways and flowing water within culverts jointly promote crossings by c...
Roads are linear infrastructures causing high wildlife mortality. Transportation administrations make large investments on mitigation measures to promote safe road crossings by...