Outline of the main themes of road ecology.
The coalescense of road-ecology science, when combined with engineering and planning, promises a future where safe and efficient human mobility is effectively combined with... -
Effects of eutrophic water flooding on nitrate concentrations in mine wastes
Salt marshes near urban, industrial and mining areas are often affected both by heavy metals and by eutrophic water. The aim of this study was to assess and evaluate the main... -
El epifitismo ficológico en el Mar Menor (Murcia)
El penilago marino Mar Menor (Murcia) se encuentra exento de exploraciones ficológicas y con objeto de añadir algunos detalles a su ficoflora se realizó una excursión botánica... -
Percepción del modelo turístico de sol y playa. El caso del Mar Menor
En este trabajo se pone de manifiesto la valoración que percibe el usuario del modelo turístico implantado en los municipios de San Javier y San Pedro del Pinatar. Una visión... -
Hábitat, uso del suelo y situación de la nutria (Lutra lutra) en la cuenca ba...
In southern Spain, otter (Lutra lutra) distribution on a large scale is not only explained by the quality of water or riverbanks, but also by the surrounding land uses. Otters... -
Fatty acid composition and chilling resistance in the green alga Caulerpa pro...
Plant resistance to chilling injury depends on the maintenance of membrane functions, An increase in the degree of unsaturation of membrane fatty acids can help maintain... -
Do well-connected landscapes promote road-related mortality?
Cost surface (CS) models have emerged as a useful tool to examine the interactions between landscapes patterns and wildlife at large-scale extents. This approach is particularly... -
Wetlands and Peatlands for BCAM2
The new CAP 2023-2027 framework addresses environmentally beneficial practices, including the protection of wetlands and peatlands in the Climate and Environment Area. The... -
Base de datos de los espacios protegidos Red Natura 2000 de España (CNTRYES)
La información descriptiva básica –administrativa y ecológica– de cada espacio que forma parte de la Red Natura 2000 se recoge en un formulario normalizado de datos (FND; en... -
Resumen de recomendaciones para la iluminación de instalaciones exteriores o ...
Resumen de recomendaciones para la iluminación de instalaciones exteriores o en recintos abiertos. -
The role of landscape permeability for stone marten conservation: patch occup...
The role of landscape permeability for stone marten conservation: patch occupancy and road mortality risk. -
Informe provisional del seguimiento de la mortalidad de vertebrados en las ca...
A fixed transect was repeated on a monthly basis in several kinds of road, showing that, overall, kills in Álava province (N Spain) involved mostly birds (49%) and mammals... -
Preliminary results of the silvering process of the European eel (Anguilla an...
Despite the economic importance of eel captures in the Mar Menor, a hypersaline coastal lagoon, few studies have been conducted in relation to the biology and ecology of this... -
Nutrient overload promotes the transition from top-down to bottom-up control ...
The excess input of nutrients that triggers eutrophication processes is one of the main destabilizing factors of coastal ecosystems, being coastal lagoons prone to suffer these... -
Centaurium Barrelieroides pau y c.rigualii esteve (gentianaceae), ¿dos endemi...
Centaurium barrelieroides Pau, que se tiene en la actualidad por endemismo norteafricano, fue descrito en realidad de una localidad española — la Manga del Mar Menor (Murcia) —... -
Can we model distribution of population abundance from wildlife–vehicles coll...
Reliable estimates of the distribution of species abundance are a key element in wildlife studies, but such information is usually difficult to obtain for large spatial or long... -
Efecto barrera inducido por una autovía sobre las poblaciones de grandes mamí...
The situation of wolf population in an area affected by the construction of a motorway is studied. Since well established populations of wolf, roe deer and wild boar are located... -
Accidentes de tráfico por atropello de animales.
Accidentes de tráfico por atropello de animales. Palabras clave: Siniestralidad con fauna -
Informe provisional del seguimiento de la mortalidad de vertebrados en las ca...
Several local and national roads as well as two highways were surveyed, being birds (37%) and amphibians (37%) the most affected taxa. Species were run over depending on their... -
Aquifer recharge from intensively irrigated farmland. Several approaches
In the past decades a large body of literature has focused on the assessment of the natural recharge and parameters of control (including climate, vegetation, soils, and...