Long Term Hydrodynamic Effects in a Semi-Arid Mediterranean Multilayer Aquifer: Campo de Cartagena in South-Eastern Spain

The Mediterranean basin contains many semi-arid environments where aquifers are subject to intensive exploitation, generally to meet irrigation demands. The Campo de Cartagena aquifer is a clear example from such a semi-arid environment, and its hydrodynamic effects have aroused great scientific interest. The main objective of this study is to evaluate the hydrodynamic effects that have occurred in the last century of anthropogenic activity in this aquifer system. This aquifer is subject to intensive exploitation and shows clear deficits in times of drought, with recharge by irrigation playing an important role. This study’s methodology includes groundwater modelling to reconstruct the transient evolution of the aquifer system during the last century, to generate water balances and to illustrate how the evolution of irrigation has, in many ways, changed the aquifer’s groundwater flow pattern. The results delineate the hydraulic communication of the aquifer stratums through specific geological structures, as well as the flow transfer from the Quaternary layer to the Mar Menor and the Mediterranean Sea. The reconstruction of the entire system’s temporal evolution shows a fragile water balance that is supported by surface-water contributions.

Datos y Recursos

Este conjunto de datos no tiene datos


Información básica
Tipo de recurso Texto
Fecha de creación 17-09-2024
Fecha de última modificación 17-09-2024
Mostrar histórico de cambios
Identificador de los metadatos 136ed4b9-6b27-55ed-ab07-12bbfc4927fd
Idioma de los metadatos Español
Temáticas (NTI-RISP)
Categoría del conjunto de alto valor (HVD)
Categoría temática ISO 19115
Identificador alternativo DOI 10.3390/w10101320
URI de palabras clave
Codificación UTF-8
Información espacial
Identificador geográfico Murcia
Sistema de Referencia de Coordenadas
Tipo de representación espacial
Extensión espacial
"{\"type\": \"Polygon\", \"coordinates\": [[[-2.34, 37.38], [-0.69, 37.38], [-0.69, 38.76], [-2.34, 38.76], [-2.34, 37.38]]]}"
Resolución espacial del dataset (m)
Declaración de linaje
Perfil de Metadatos
Conjunto de datos de origen
Frecuencia de actualización
  1. Water
  2. vol 10 (10)
  3. 1320
Pasos del proceso
Cobertura temporal (Inicio)
Cobertura temporal (Fin)
Notas sobre la versión
Vigencia del conjunto de datos
Parte responsable
Nombre del autor Domingo Pinillos, J.C., Senent Aparicio, J., García Aróstegui, J.L. y Baudron, P.
Nombre del mantenedor
Identificador del autor
Email del autor jcdomingo@alu.ucam.edu
Web del autor
Identificador del mantenedor
Email del mantenedor
Web del mantenedor