Characterization and evolution of the sediments of a Mediterranean coastal la...
Coastal lagoons are ecosystems that are relatively enclosed water bodies under the influence of both the terrestrial and the marine environment, being vulnerable to human... -
Contaminación por erosión eólica e hídrica de las áreas limítrofes a la antig...
El área minera de Cartagena – La Unión ha sido objeto de una intensa explotación desde hace más de 2.500 años. En época reciente, en la segunda mitad de siglo XIX y primera del... -
Long-term sediment records reveal over three thousands years of heavy metal i...
Este trabajo revisa la evolución espacio-temporal de los principales metales pesados de esta laguna costera a partir de datos de 272 muestras de sedimentos superficiales... -
Impacto de los residuos de la minería metálica sobre el ecosistema marino del...
sta tesis doctoral se presenta bajo la modalidad de compendio de publicaciones. El distrito minero de Cartagena-La Unión se encuentra situado junto al Mar Menor (SE, España),... -
Assessment of the risk associated with mining-derived arsenic inputs in a lag...
Southern Mediterranean lagoons are considered among the systems most vulnerable to anthropogenic activities. In its present condition, the Mar Menor lagoon in south-eastern... -
The impact of mining activities on the hypersaline Mar Menor lagoon
Mar Menor lagoon is one of the largest hypersaline coastal lagoons in the Mediterranean Sea. The lagoon is threatened by environmental degradation due to the urban growth around... -
Heavy metal removal of intermittent acid mine drainage with an open limestone...
This study is focused on the influence of a particular open limestone channel (OLC) on the quality of the surface water drained from an intermittent watercourse. The OLC was... -
Liming and vegetation favor Fe-mobilization in eutrophic wetland soils affect...
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of liming and vegetation on the dynamic of Fe in eutrophic wetland soils affected by mine wastes, under different flooding... -
Rhizosphere and flooding regime as key factors for the mobilisation of arseni...
The occurrence of mining areas in the vicinities of salt marshes may affect their ecological functions and facilitate the transfer of pollutants into the food chain. The... -
Arsenic zoning in a coastal area of the Mediterranean Sea as a base for manag...
The mining activity that has taken place in the mining district of the Sierra Minera of Cartagena-La Union in the SE Spain has caused a great dispersion of potentially dangerous... -
Groundwater intensive use and mining in south-eastern peninsular Spain: Hydro...
Intensive groundwater development is a common circumstance in semiarid and arid areas. Often abstraction exceeds recharge, thus continuously depleting reserves. There is... -
Abandoned Mine Tailings Affecting Riverbed Sediments in the Cartagena-La Unio...
This study presents the results of the geoenvironmental characterization of La Matildes riverbed, affected by mine tailings in the Cartagena-La Union district, Murcia (southeast... -
Establishing the ecological quality status of soft-bottom mining-impacted coa...
The aim of the present study was to check the usefulness of the benthic biotic indices proposed for application in the European water framework directive (WFD 2000/60/EC) for... -
Influencia de los residuos mineros de la Sierra Minera de Cartagena-La Unión ...
El distrito minero de Cartagena-La Unión se encuentra situado junto al Mar Menor (SE, España), una de las mayores lagunas costeras mediterráneas. Aunque la actividad minera se... -
Dynamics of nitrogen, phosphorus and metals in eutrophic wetlands affected by...
The objectives of this work were: 1) To study the biogeochemical processes related to the dynamics of nitrogen and phosphorus in the soil-water-plant system of eutrophic... -
Assessment of bioaccessible As in a wetland with mining influence (Mar Menor,...
Mining areas are so complex that it is sometimes difficult to differentiate between anthropogenic contamination and geogenic anomalies. This is the case in the so-called Sierra... -
The role of groundwater in highly human-modified hydrosystems: a review of im...
Hydrological processes and water resources are increasingly modified by anthropogenic actions, leading to multiple pressures on the environment and related ecosystems. A better...