The impact of chemical pollution on the European eel (Anguilla anguilla) from...
The European eel (Anguilla anguilla) is a critically endangered species. The impact of environmental contamination on this species has been highlighted as contributing to the... -
Arte y Ciencia para un Paisaje en Crisis: Caso de Estudio del Proyecto Cartog...
A partir del método de cristalización sensible de Erhenfried Pfeiffer, el proyecto artístico Cartografías de la metamorfosis expone la vitalidad, en forma de grafismos... -
Eutrophication in coastal areas of the Mar Menor lagoon: The mitigation role ...
The Mar Menor lagoon is one of the largest coastal lagoons (135 km2 surface) of the Mediterranean basin. It receives runoff waters coming from the nearby intensive agricultural... -
The case of Mar Menor eutrophication: State of the art and description of tes...
The Mar Menor (SE Spain), the largest hypersaline coastal lagoon of the Mediterranean basin, suffers a severe eutrophication crisis due to the nutrients that receives from the... -
Characterization and evolution of the sediments of a Mediterranean coastal la...
Coastal lagoons are ecosystems that are relatively enclosed water bodies under the influence of both the terrestrial and the marine environment, being vulnerable to human... -
Carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes and metal concentration in food webs from...
Two food webs from the Mar Menor coastal lagoon, differing in the distance from the desert-stream through which mining wastes were discharged, were examined by reference to... -
Predictive Diagnosis of Agricultural Periurban Areas Based on Territorial Ind...
The Mediterranean southeastern area of Spain has traditionally been known as the Orchard of Europe. This configuration, which is based fundamentally on traditional agriculture... -
Infraestructuras de saneamiento y drenaje para adaptación a sucesos extremos ...
La investigación es un estudio regional-diacrónico sobre infraestructuras y prácticas culturales para hacer frente a sequías e inundaciones en la cuenca del Campo de... -
Using Machine-Learning Algorithms for Eutrophication Modeling: Case Study of ...
The Mar Menor is a hypersaline coastal lagoon with high environmental value and a characteristic example of a highly anthropized hydro-ecosystem located in the southeast of... -
Ocupación artificial y transformación en el entorno del mar Menor. Búsqueda d...
El Mar Menor es una laguna ampliamente estudiada desde la perspectiva ambiental en respuesta a su interés natural y a la inquietud existente, desde los años ochenta, sobre su... -
A new approach to ascertain the sensitivity to water stress of different plan...
The sensitivity to water stress ofdifferentplant water indicators was evaluatedduring the latepostharvest period of extra-early nectarine trees growing in a commercial orchard... -
Invertebrados marinos alóctonos en el Mar Menor // Alloctonous Marine Inverte...
La configuración actual del Mar Menor es consecuencia de sucesivos procesos geomorfológicos, resultado de la dinámica natural. Sin embargo, a partir del S. XVIII, es la... -
Evolución del proyecto urbano en La Manga del Mar Menor (Murcia)
El presente trabajo como principal objetivo el análisis de los cambios y transformaciones en el proyecto urbano propuesto en los diferentes planes realizados para la... -
Las lluvias torrenciales e inundaciones de los días 17 y 18 de diciembre de 2...
El episodio lluvioso del 17 y 18 de diciembre de 2016 es uno de los más significativos acaecidos en el Sureste Peninsular durante las dos últimas décadas. En el presente trabajo... -
Extreme Flooding Events in Coastal Lagoons: Seawater Parameters and Rainfall ...
Climate change is one of the main problems currently strongly conditioning ecosystems all over the world. Coastal lagoons are amongst the most vulnerable habitats, and they are... -
PETI Fact-finding visit to Mar Menor, Spain-23-25 February 2022
The PETI Committee decided to organise a fact-finding visit to the Mar Menor in the Murcia Region in Spain. Over the years, the PETI Committee has received a significant number... -
A model for temperature control of jellyfish (Cotylorhiza tuberculata) outbre...
Large outbreaks of jellyfish populations sporadically appear at the Mediterranean coasts without any self-evident cause creating public distress because of their impact on local... -
Plackett Burman design for microplastics quantification in marine sediments
Microplastics are gaining worldwide attention due to their omnipresence. The marine environment is one of the most affected systems; especially the sediment compartment.... -
Anatomical and ultrastructural studies of chemical defence in the sponge Dysi...
The marine sponge Dysidea fragilis from El Mar Menor, a hypersaline coastal lagoon (Murcia, Spain), contains the furanosesquiterpenoid ent-furodysinin as the major secondary... -
Machine Learning as a Diagnosis Tool of Groundwater Quality in Zones with Hig...
Groundwater is humanity’s freshwater pantry, constituting 97% of available freshwater. The 6th Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) of the UN Agenda 2030 promotes “Ensure...