Phosphorus fractionation and distribution in salt marsh soils affected by min...
The study aimed to establish the distribution and fate of phosphorus in the soils of a coastal salt marsh affected by mine wastes and wastewater effluents. Water samples from... -
Anthropogenic nutrient sources and loads from a Mediterranean catchment into ...
The Mar Menor is a coastal lagoon increasingly threatened by urban and agricultural pressures. The main watercourse draining into the lagoon is the Rambla del Albujón. A... -
Arsenic zoning in a coastal area of the Mediterranean Sea as a base for manag...
The mining activity that has taken place in the mining district of the Sierra Minera of Cartagena-La Union in the SE Spain has caused a great dispersion of potentially dangerous... -
Integrated management in coastal lagoons of highly complexity environments: R...
Enclosed coastal seas are usually high environmental value territories that are located, in many cases, in developed countries often subjected to a large catalog of anthropic... -
Local perceptions regarding a social-ecological system of the mediterranean c...
The social-ecological system of the Mar Menor located in southeastern Spain is facing serious environmental degradation which is generating important economic and social... -
Nutrient and particulate inputs into the Mar Menor lagoon (Se Spain) from an ...
The Mar Menor is a Mediterranean coastal lagoon of high conservation interest, but highly threatened by non-point pollution derived from agricultural lands. This is the first... -
Fan-surface dynamics and biogenic calcrete development: Interactions during u...
Pleistocene alluvial fan surfaces of the Campo de Cartagena-Mar Menor Basin (Murcia, SE Spain) are capped by thick mature calcretes. Calcrete profiles consist mainly of six... -
In two waters: contemporary evolution of lagoonal and marine white seabream (...
Brackish water ecosystems are often exposed to wide variations in environmental variables, including temperature and salinity, which may cause strong selective pressures on... -
A System for Monitoring Marine Environments based on Wireless Sensor Networks
In this paper a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) for monitoring a coastal shallow water marine environment is presented. The study area is located in the Mar Menor coastal lagoon,... -
Modelado de ecosistemas
A partir de los ecosistemas estudiados por esta área, se pretende validar como los modelos numéricos pueden servir como herramienta para la elaboración de estudios de... -
Life cycle of the jellyfish Rhizostoma pulmo (Scyphozoa: Rhizostomeae) and it...
Rhizostoma pulmo is one of the most abundant scyphomedusae along the Mediterranean coasts. To understand changes in the population densities of the medusa stage and its... -
Informe de actualización de resultados del programa de seguimiento del Mar Me...
El propósito de este informe es la actualización del progreso de las actividades del proyecto BELICH y de las variables indicadoras del estado del Mar Menor. Para ello se... -
Hydrogeological modelling for the watershed management of the Mar Menor coast...
The Mar Menor is the largest lagoon along the Spanish Mediterranean coast. It suffers from eutrophication and algal blooms associated with intensive agricultural activities and... -
Primer registro de la fase juvenil de la anguila europea Anguilla anguilla en...
La anguila europea Anguilla anguilla (Linneo, 1758) es una especie eurihalina tradicionalmente considerada catadroma, es decir, pasa parte de su vida en el mar y otra parte en... -
Expansión urbana y turismo en la Comarca del Campo de Cartagena-Mar Menor (Mu...
En las últimas décadas, la comarca estudiada ha experimentado una expansión urbana sin precedentes motivada por el turismo residencial. Esto ha supuesto un notable impacto... -
Entrevista sobre pasado, presente y futuro del estado ambiental del Mar Menor...
Entrevista sobre pasado, presente y futuro del estado ambiental del Mar Menor (SE Murcia) -
Ciento cincuenta años de transformaciones agrarias en la comarca del Campo de...
En este trabajo se analiza el comportamiento de los distintos aprovechamientos agrícolas, desde mediados del siglo XIX hasta las últimas estadísticas regionales disponibles. La... -
Estudio del fondo marino de la laguna costera del Mar Menor, Murcia. Informe ...
Informe que recoge los resultados de varias campañas de trabajo para el estudio y caracterización de la batimetría del Mar Menor. -
Stable isotope analysis reveals the feeding distribution of wintering great c...
Harmonizing biodiversity conservation and natural resource management often requires anticipating the potential impact that certain species can cause through their exploitation... -
Fish assemblages in different littoral habitat types of a hypersaline coastal...
The fish community that inhabits shallow littoral areas of the Mar Menor coastal lagoon was studied seasonally. Three different habitat types were compared: deep sandy habitats,...