Fauna involucrada en accidentes de tráfico en la provincia de Salamanca (1997...
Desde 1997 a 2002 inclusive, de acuerdo a datos de la DGT (Dirección General de Tráfico), en la provincia de Salamanca (centro-oeste de España) se produjeron un total de 587... -
Re-thinking Christaller's central place theory: implications for spatial plan...
Re-thinking Christaller's central place theory: implications for spatial planning and green infrastructures. Palabras clave: Ecological network, Landscape -
Best management practices scenario analysis to reduce agricultural nitrogen l...
Agriculture is a major source of diffuse pollution, where nitrogen and sediment pollution of water bodies are its main associated environmental impacts. Best management... -
An Autonomous Solar-Powered Marine Robotic Observatory for Permanent Monitori...
Apart from their ecological value, the world's oceans are among the planet's most valuable resources, a rich source of food and wealth and in urgent need of protection. This... -
Evaluación de los efectos del PEIT sobre la fragmentación de hábitats.
Evaluación de los efectos del PEIT sobre la fragmentación de hábitats. -
Las consideraciones medioambientales en la planificación y construcción de ca...
Las consideraciones medioambientales en la planificación y construcción de carreteras estatales. Palabras clave: Carreteras, Planificación -
Middle and Late Holocene vegetation history of the Murcia region from a new h...
South-Eastern Spain is a particularly suitable area for studying the impact of human societies on their environment. We present a new high resolution and continuous pollen... -
Survival rates and causes of mortality of Testudo graeca hatchlings in southw...
Fifty-nine newly born individuals of Testudo graeca were followed under natural conditions by means of thread-trailing, from august-september until their death, disappearence or... -
First record in the Western Mediterranean Sea of Branchiomma boholense (Grube...
During the last years, the concern about the effect of alien species on native marine communities has grown. The case is especially serious in the Mediterranean Sea, where over... -
Bird flight behavior, collision risk and mitigation options at high-speed rai...
Bird flight behavior, collision risk and mitigation options at high-speed railway viaducts. -
Roads, traffic and verges: big problems and big opportunities for small mammals.
We consider small mammals as shrews and moles, small marsupials, hedgehogs, mice and rats, and other rodents, rabbits, and hares commonly designated as ‘prey species’(ie, those... -
Recuperación de hábitats para la fauna y prevención de impactos.
Recuperación de hábitats para la fauna y prevención de impactos. -
Irriman Platform: Enhancing Farming Sustainability through Cloud Computing Te...
Crop sustainability is essential for balancing economic development and environmental care, mainly in strong and very competitive regions in the agri-food sector, such as the... -
Road-kill hot spots can change over the time, variables explaining them do not.
Road-kill studies are often carried out in a limited timescale. The assumption that their results (hot-spots and variables determining them) are maintained over time is then... -
Does daily movements can predict the genetic structure of small mammal popula...
Roads can constrain movements of individuals and consequently gene flow across landscape. There is a consensus among experts that some species show road surface and width... -
Especies exóticas invasoras: diagnóstico y bases para la prevención y el manejo.
A pesar de que en España se han iniciado alguna estrategias regionales o locales para la prevención y manejo de las especies invasoras, no existe hasta la fecha una estrategia... -
Population biology and habitat associations of benthic fish species in the sh...
En el presente estudio se investigaron las variaciones estacionales de la abundancia, la biomasa, status reproductor y la estructura de la población de cuatro especies de peces... -
Do roads alter the trophic behavior of the mesocarnivore community living clo...
Roads have impacts on the fauna arising from habitat fragmentation, roadkill and the barrier effect. Furthermore, roads lead species to change their activity with repercussions... -
Protocolos de amostragem e processamento laboratorial - águas de transição e ...
Documento integrante de la bibliografía empleada para el informe: Status Assessment de Cymodocea Nodosa en el ámbito de OSPAR -
The effects of small fish presence on a species-poor community dominated by o...
Omnivory is important in determining species interactions and weakening possible trophic cascade effects. The present study is focused on determining if an indirect effect of...