Programa de mortandad de vertebrados en las carreteras. Conclusiones provisio...
Conclusiones preliminares del inventario de atropellos de vertebrados en la región de Galicia, NO España. Las carreteras prospectadas fueron eligidas para cubrir diferentes... -
Metodología y resultados del proyecto de seguimiento de la mortalidad de vert...
Una descripción de la metodología aplicada en la prospección de la mortalidad de vertebrados en carreteras de la península Ibérica, lslas Canarias y Baleares hasta julio de... -
Predicting fragmentation effects on wildlife habitats of future planned infra...
Collserola Park is situated within the greater metropolitan area of Barcelona, close to the Mediterranean coastline. The park occupies some 8,000 ha of predominantly Aleppo... -
Behavioral responses of the European mink in the face of different threats: c...
Prey species assess the risk of threat using visual, olfactory, and acoustic cues from their habitat. Thus, they modify their behavior in order to avoid encounters with... -
Geostatistical Analysis of the Spatial Correlation between Territorial Anthro...
Climate change is making intense DANA (depresion aislada en niveles altos) type rains a more frequent phenomenon in Mediterranean basins. This trend, combined with the... -
Comparing annual vertebrate road kills over two time periods, 9 years apart: ...
We surveyed road kills occurring along a 26-km stretch of a major national road (Portugal) in two different years: 1996 and 2005. For analysis purposes, we divided the data into... -
Patterns of trace element bioaccumulation in jellyfish Rhizostoma pulmo (Cnid...
The effects of an abandoned mining area, exploited for centuries in the mining district of Cartagena-La Union, result in a continuous supply of heavy metals into the Mar Menor... -
Artificial lights and seabirds: is light pollution a threat for the threatene...
Petrels are among the most threatened group of birds. On top of facing predation by introduced mammals and incidental bycatch, these seabirds have to deal with an emerging... -
Indicador 31: Balance de crecimiento/cortas o extracciones
Este indicador describe la relación entre el crecimiento en volumen de las formaciones arboladas (el incremento neto anual) y lo que se extrae de las masas arboladas por cortas... -
Biofuling en cascos de embarcaciones deportivas en el Mar Menor y Santa Pola ...
Se ha realizado un estudio taxonómico y de la comunidad de biofouling en los cascos de los barcos deportivos de San Pedro del Pinatar y Santa Pola. Para poder interpretar las... -
Application of the exergy index as ecological indicator of organically enrich...
The increase of stress induced changes in marine environments caused by different types of marine pollution made necessary the search for indicators that assist in assessing... -
Assessing bird exclusion effects in a wetland crossed by a railway (Sado Estu...
Linear transportation infrastructures may displace wildlife from nearby areas that otherwise would provide adequate habitat conditions. This exclusion effect has been documented... -
Sexual reproduction and seed banks of Cymodocea nodosa (Ucria) Ascherson mead...
Flowering, fruiting and seed germination of the seagrass Cymodocea nodosa (Ucria) Ascherson are recurrent in the Mar Menor coastal lagoon and other places on the southeast... -
Effects of Shoreline Urban Modification on Habitat Structure and Fish Communi...
The shallow habitats of coastal lagoons play an invaluable role for fish communities as nursery areas and provide essential habitats for threatened fish species. Shoreline... -
User-friendly guide for using benthic ecological indicators in coastal and ma...
Experience demonstrates that none of the available measures on biological effects of pollution should be considered ideal. The use of a single approach does not seem appropriate... -
En busca de los pobladores de la Primera Edad del Hierro en el Campo de Carta...
This work presents the first results of the research concerning the area of Cabezo Ventura in Cartagena. This hillock is a predominant feature in Campo de Cartagena, from which... -
Fragmentación de poblaciones y conservación de carnívoros.
Fragmentación de poblaciones y conservación de carnívoros. Palabras clave: Fragmentación, Fragmentación de hábitat, Lince, Mamífero, Población, Dinámica poblacional -
COST 341. Wildlife and traffic. A European handbook for identifying conflicts...
COST 341. Wildlife and traffic. A European handbook for identifying conflicts and designing solutions. -
Accounting for connectivity uncertainties in predicting roadkills: a comparat...
Functional connectivity modeling is increasingly used to predict the best spatial location for over- or underpasses, to mitigate road barrier effects and wildlife roadkills.... -
Directiva INSPIRE. Anexo III. Tema 18. Hábitats y biotopos
El presente documento se elabora por la Dirección General de Biodiversidad y Calidad Ambiental del Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica (MITECO) en el marco del Inventario...