Ictiofauna de zonas someras del Mar Menor (SE Península Ibérica): Especies co...
Esta revista habla sobre la fauna marina en zonas someras del Mar Menor. Se incluye un listado taxonómico de especies detectadas en las zonas someras periféricas de la laguna... -
Proyecto del colector de vertido cero al Mar Menor Norte TT.MM. Varios (Murci...
Se redacta el presente informe con el objetivo de plantear una Alternativa 2B: - Una vez analizada la implantación de baterías de sondeos que, junto con los caudales... -
Indicador 50: Índice de eficacia en la gestión de incendios forestales
Este indicador tiene como objetivo principal la estimación de los cambios en el porcentaje de conatos de incendio con respecto el total de incendios ocurridos. Esta estimación,... -
Prescripciones técnicas para el diseño de pasos de fauna y vallados perimetra...
Prescripciones técnicas para el diseño de pasos de fauna y vallados perimetrales. Palabras clave: Fragmentación, Hábitat -
Is there a threshold on traffic volume that change from mortality to barrier ...
Is there a threshold on traffic volume that change from mortality to barrier effect? Palabras clave: Barrier, Collision, Fauna, Fauna casualty, Highway, Mortality -
Roads, forestry plantations and hedgerows affect badger occupancy in intensiv...
There is increasing interest in understanding how to retain wildlife in agricultural landscapes, thereby contributing to global biodiversity conservation efforts. Here we... -
Open coast seagrass restoration. can we do it? Large scale seagrass transplants.
Documento integrante de la bibliografía empleada para el informe: Status Assessment de Cymodocea Nodosa en el ámbito de OSPAR -
Las aguas subterráneas en el Campo de Cartagena-Mar Menor
El agua subterránea constituye un recurso natural clave para el medio ambiente y el desarrollo económico de la cuenca del río Segura, que satisface entorno al 35% de la demanda... -
Physiological and morphological effects of a marine heatwave on the seagrass ...
Documento integrante de la bibliografía empleada para el informe: Status Assessment de Cymodocea Nodosa en el ámbito de OSPAR -
The impacts of roads and other infrastructure on mammal and bird populations:...
Biodiversity is being lost at an increased rate as a result of human activities. One of the major threats to biodiversity is infrastructural development. We used meta-analyses... -
Assessing the stone marten’s patch occupancy in fragmented landscapes and its...
Assessing the stone marten’s patch occupancy in fragmented landscapes and its relation to road-killing occurences. -
Harmful algae and pathogens on plastics in three mediterranean coastal lagoons
Plastic is now a pervasive pollutant in all marine ecosystems. The microplastics and macroplastic debris were studied in three French Mediterranean coastal lagoons (Prevost,... -
Roads as drivers of population spreading: the case study of bee-eaters in Doñ...
In this study, we found that bee-eaters spread to theoretically suboptimal habitats to excavate their nests and colonize new areas. Studying this possible life strategy that can... -
Using remote-sensing to map suitable road verges for a rare small mammal, the...
The Cabrera vole (Microtus cabrerae) is a rare Iberian endemism, classified as “Near-threatened” by IUCN, and “Vulnerable” in Portugal and Spain. The species has a restricted... -
Science and the legal rights of nature
Laws that establish legal rights for nature are being pursued in a growing number of countries to protect the environment. The success or failure of these rights-of-nature laws... -
Impact of culvert flooding on carnivore crossings.
Along many roads worldwide, drainage culverts are the only structures wildlife can safely use to cross. However, culverts inundate and can become unavailable to terrestrial... -
The lost road: do transportation networks imperil wildlife population persist...
The global road network is rapidly growing associated with human economic development. This growth also entails a high toll for biodiversity, with several well-documented... -
Changes in macrophytes distribution in a hypersaline coastal lagoon associate...
In the Mar Menor lagoon (SE Spain) recent changes in the nearby agricultural practices, from extensive dry crop farming to intensively irrigated crops, have increased nutrient... -
Road mortality of the little owl (Athene noctua) in Spain.
Causes of little owl road mortality were investigated, based on 418 road casualties and their relation to road characteristics and roadside cover. Road casualties are the most... -
Modelo de hábitat en los corredores utilizados para la dispersión por el linc...
En este informe se comparan las tasas de cruce de jovenes de lince ibérico durante la fase de dispersión a través de varios tipos de carreteras. Todos los individuos que se...