All wildboar-vehicle collisions respond to the same variables? Looking for pa...
Selecting the most efficient mitigation measures to reduce animal-vehicle collisions is difficult without knowledge of the circumstances on each stretch of road. The... -
Bio-economic analysis of the Mar Menor (Murcia, SE Spain) small-scale lagoon ...
An integrated fisheries management tool based on a bio-economic model was applied to the demersal fishery in the Mar Menor coastal lagoon in SE Spain, with the objective of... -
Ethical Aspects of Water Use in the Campo de Cartagena and the Associated Imp...
In recent years, the Mar Menor, a large and emblematic hypersaline lagoon on the Spanish Mediterranean coast, has seriously deteriorated. This lagoon and the entire surrounding... -
Programa de Gestión Sostenible del Medio Marino Andaluz. Informe Regional 2018.
Documento integrante de la bibliografía empleada para el informe: Status Assessment de Cymodocea Nodosa en el ámbito de OSPAR -
Spatial prioritization of road defragmentation measures for the improvement o...
Spatial prioritization of road defragmentation measures for the improvement of landsacape connectivity using Conefor 2.6. Palabras clave: Connectivity, Ecological network,... -
Manual de buenas prácticas medioambientales. Carreteras de Aragón.
Manual de buenas prácticas medioambientales. Carreteras de Aragón. -
Impact of COVID-19 lockdown on wildlife-vehicle collisions in NW Spain.
Impact of COVID-19 lockdown on wildlife-vehicle collisions in NW Spain. -
Bird roadkill occurences in Aragon, Spain.
Bird roadkill occurences in Aragon, Spain. The increase in road networks and vehicular traffic has posed a major threat to vertebrates over the last century. Although it is... -
Input of pharmaceuticals through coastal surface watercourses into a Mediterr...
The seasonal occurrence and distribution of 69 pharmaceuticals along coastal watercourses during 6 sampling campaigns and their input through El Albujon watercourse to the Mar... -
Road traffic noise impact assessment in a breeding colony of cinereous vultur...
There is a global and growing concern with regard to anthropogenic noise impact on wildlife and natural habitats, but it is difficult to find consensus regarding scoping and... -
¿Es el análisis de agua adecuado para el estudio de contaminantes orgánicos e...
¿Es el análisis de agua adecuado para el estudio de contaminantes orgánicos en áreas costeras como el Mar Menor? -
Wildlife roadkills: improving knowledge about ungulate distributions?
Traffic reports (TR) about wildlife-vehicle collisions drafted by traffic safety authorities or the departments of transportation constitute a source of information only rarely... -
La señalización vial y el atropello de ungulados.
La señalización vial y el atropello de ungulados. Palabras clave: Siniestralidad con fauna, Límite de velocidad, Medida relacionada con el tráfico, Ungulados -
La vela latina en Cartagena y el Mar Menor: El estado de la cuestión
En la actualidad el puerto de Cartagena y el Mar Menor albergan en sus aguas a más de medio centenar de embarcaciones consideradas de interés patrimonial, tradicionales y... -
Factors affecting culvert use by vertebrates along two stretches of road in s...
A major target for environmental managers when trying to minimise the road-barrier effect on wildlife is to improve permeability to animal movements. Previous studies have... -
Heterogeneous road networks have no apparent effect on the genetic structure ...
Roads are widely recognized to represent a barrier to individual movements and, conversely, verges can act as potential corridors for the dispersal of many small mammals. Both... -
The ecology of rural roads: effects, management, and research.
The ecology of rural roads: effects, management, and research. -
Fuentes y distribución de microcontaminantes orgánicos regulados y emergentes...
El Mar Menor es un sistema de alto valor ecológico que concentra numerosas actividades humanas como el desarrollo urbano, el turismo, la agricultura intensiva, la minería, etc.... -
El colapso ecológico de la laguna del Mar Menor. En: Retos de la planificació...
Informe que analiza la evolución, causas y consecuencias de la degradación de la laguna del Mar Menor, y presenta y analiza algunas propuestas y estrategias para su recuperación. -
Terrestrial birds as indicators of agricultural-induced changes and associate...
During the last decades, agricultural intensification has modified the hydrology of Mediterranean wetlands, as has occurred in the Mar Menor coastal lagoon (SE Spain)....