Disentangle the causes of the road barrier effect in small mammals through ge...
Road barrier effect is among the foremost negative impacts of roads on wildlife. Knowledge of the factors responsible for the road barrier effect is crucial to understand and... -
Programa de seguimiento de la aplicación de las declaraciones de impacto ambi...
The policy of environmental impact assessment, imposed currently at European level, proposes preventive actions, which are always more effective and less costly than the... -
How do major roads affect barn owls? Distribution, space use, food source and...
How do major roads affect barn owls? Distribution, space use, food source and mortality. -
Study of the effect of the transportation infrastructures on habitats fragmen...
In the last years the transportation infrastructures have experimented a huge development. This has caused a great damage on the natural environment that sometimes is not... -
Clusters of traffic accidents caused by ungulates: identification and evaluat...
Animal Vehicle Collisions (AVC) often show a pattern of aggregation, with clusters along conflictive road stretches. Road traffic safety is diminished in these hotspots, due to... -
Landscape planning and defragmentation measures: an assessment of costs and c...
Defragmentation, i.e. the systematic action of reconnecting even smaller and more isolated landscape patches, is a major concern for landscape analysists and planners. Landscape... -
Guía para mitigar los atropellos de murciélagos.
Guía para mitigar los atropellos de murciélagos. -
Rates and causes of mortality in a fragmented population of Iberian lynx Feli...
In this work 29 Iberian lynx deaths are reported, 21% of which were caused by vehicles in a road bordering the western side of the Doñana National Park. This high mortality rate... -
El lobo en Galicia.
Se investigaron las causas de mortalidad de 126 lobos (Canis lupus) entre 1987 y 1988. Los atropellos significaron el 4,4% de la mortalidad. Palabras clave: Siniestralidad con... -
Causas de mortalidad del petirrojo. La incidencia de los atropellos.
Se investigaron las causas de mortalidad en 503 ejemplares de petirrojo (Erithacus rubecula) recuperados en España durante un período de diez años, siendo únicamente el 6% de... -
COST 341. La fragmentación del hábitat en relación con las infraestructuras d...
COST 341. La fragmentación del hábitat en relación con las infraestructuras de transporte en España. -
Aplicación de la tecnología de láser escáner terrestre (TLS) para el estudio ...
Se estudian los procesos erosivos que se desarrollan en la superficie de taludes, a partir de datos obtenidos con un Laser Escáner Terrestre (TLS). Se eligieron cinco desmontes... -
Large-scale identification and prioritization of road and railways tracts whe...
Large-scale identification and prioritization of road and railways tracts where de-fragmentation measures should be applied: a country-wide project in Spain. Palabras clave:... -
Application of four wildlife studies to the design of a high speed railway in...
Application of four wildlife studies to the design of a high speed railway in Spain. Palabras clave: Amphibian, Biodiversity, Bird, Environmental impact assessment, High-speed... -
Indicadores ambientales. Una propuesta para España. Serie Monografias.
Indicadores ambientales. Una propuesta para España. Serie Monografias. Palabras clave: Fragmentación de hábitat, Seguimiento -
Edge effects of roads on temperature, light, canopy cover, and canopy height ...
The estimation of the road edge effect is useful to understand changes induced by the road network on ecosystems. Road networks on islands may break ecosystem integrity through... -
Non-natural mortality of the lberian lynx in the fragmented population of Sie...
Non-natural mortality of the lberian lynx in the fragmented population of Sierra de Gata (W Spain). Palabras clave: Fragmentation, Mortality, Mountain, Population -
Restauración ecológica e infraestructuras de transporte: definiciones, proble...
Restauración ecológica e infraestructuras de transporte: definiciones, problemas y desafíos. -
The effects of forest fragmentation on butterfly communities in central Spain.
In a mosaic landscape in Guadalajara province (central Spain) butterfly diversity was positively correlated with the area of woodland fragments and negatively correlated with... -
Local plant responses to global problems: Dactylis glomerata responses to dif...
Local plant responses to global problems: Dactylis glomerata responses to different traffic pollutants on roadsides.