Mortalidad de vertebrados por atropello en una carretera nacional del NO de E...
Se prospectó a pie y de manera semanal la mortalidad de vertebrados en una nueva carretera nacional en la provincia de Orense (NO España) con el objetivo de valorar el impacto... -
Orientaciones para reducir los efectos de las infraestructuras de transporte ...
Orientaciones para reducir los efectos de las infraestructuras de transporte en funcionamiento. Palabras clave: Fragmentación, Hábitat -
Colisiones entre vehículos y animales de caza mayor. Una aproximación al prob...
Se examinaron las colisiones entre coches y corzos, ciervos y jabalis. Se estimaron 1.500-2.500 colisiones/año en España. Las características temporales y la distribución... -
Light pollution and seabird fledglings: targeting efforts in rescue programs.
One of the most critical phases in the life of petrels (Procellariiformes) is at fledging when young birds pass from parental dependence on land to an independent life at sea.... -
Efectos de borde y efectos en el margen de las infraestructuras de transporte...
Efectos de borde y efectos en el margen de las infraestructuras de transporte y atenuación de su impacto sobre la biodiversidad. -
Mixed sampling protocols improve the cost-effectiveness of roadkill surveys.
Road mortality due to animal vehicle collisions has serious negative effects on population viability, demanding urgent implementation of mitigation measures where most required.... -
Twenty years of road ecology: a topical collection looking forward for new pe...
The European Journal of Wildlife Research introduces a new Topical Collection focused on Road Ecology. This Topical Collection aims to be a useful tool for the development of... -
Fragmentación de hábitats protegidos por infraestructuras viarias de transpor...
La fragmentación de hábitats es tá considerada como una de las principales causas de la actual crisis de biodiversidad. Particularmente, la presencia de infraestructuras... -
Green infrastructure, ecosystem services and road network in Spain.
According to EU Strategy, the green infrastructure (GI) is “a strategically planned network of natural and semi-natural areas with other environmental features designed and... -
Multispecies landscape functional connectivity enhances local bird species’ d...
Local species assemblages are likely the result of habitat and landscape filtering. However, there is still limited knowledge on how landscape functional connectivity... -
Community response of mammalian predators and their prey to motorways: implic...
Understanding the interactions between predators and prey is essential for predicting the effects of disturbances to ecosystems. Motorways produce changes in the surrounding... -
Wildlife crossing structures. An effective strategy to restore or maintain wi...
Context: Wildlife–vehicle collisions (WVC) are one of the major risk factors for the safety of drivers, as well as a great danger to wildlife that moves through the territory.... -
Ecología, censos, percepción y evolución del lobo en España. Análisis de un c...
Ecología, censos, percepción y evolución del lobo en España. Análisis de un conflicto. Palabras clave: Siniestralidad con fauna, Dinámica de poblaciones, Lobo -
Responsibilidad por daños en colisiones de vehículos con animales de caza mayor.
Se valora, en el caso de colisiones de vehículos con animales de caza mayor, la responsibilidad que, en función de distintas circunstancias y referentes legales, corresponde a... -
What drives the spatial distribution and temporal persistence of bat road kil...
Road kill hotspots are frequently used to identify priority locations for mitigation measures. However, understanding the landscape context and temporal dynamics of these... -
Assessing road effects on bats. The role of landscape, road features and bat ...
Recent studies suggest that the damage caused by roads on bats may significantly affect bat populations. However, despite bats being one of the most threatened groups of... -
Breeding bird communities in pine plantations of the Spanish plateaux: biogeo...
Breeding bird communities in pine plantations of the Spanish plateaux: biogeography, landscape and vegetation effects. Palabras clave: Bird, Community, Coniferous woodland, Forest -
Expansion of alien invasive plants along the roadside: a remote sensing appro...
Invasions by alien species are among the most important threats to biodiversity, ecosystems and human well-being. The extent of their negative impacts demands a considerable... -
Atropellos de animales en carreteras del sureste de la Comunidad de Madrid.
Mortalidad de vertebrados en carreteras del SE de la provincia de Madrid. Las carreteras visitadas atravesaban zonas rurales e industriales. Las frecuencias de las distintas... -
Herpetofauna and roads: a review.
Roads and traffic are tightly related to some of the mains threats for biodiversity. Road network affects wildlife populations due to, among other effects, partial occupation...