Seasonal variations in somatic condition, hepatic and gonad activity of sand ...
Seasonal changes in somatic condition, hepatic and gonad activity, as well as their effects with age and sex were examined in Atherina boyeri from the Mar Menor coastal lagoon... -
Population dynamics and relationship with environmental conditions of three s...
Blooms of jellyfishes are perceived to have increased during the last decades causing interference with human activities of both recreational and professional type. Those blooms... -
Evidence of microplastics in water and commercial fish from a high-altitude m...
Microplastic pollution is a widespread environmental concern. Like other anthro-pogenic pollutants, microplastics can reach aquatic ecosystems through rivers and interact with... -
Análisis de parámetros físicos, químicos y biológicos en las aguas costeras d...
En este estudio se evalúa la situación de las aguas costeras de la Región de Murcia mediante el análisis de parámetros fisicos, químicos y biológicos del agua de mar. El... -
La problemática del Mar Menor: una aproximación divulgativa a través del Muse...
La muerte de toneladas de peces, moluscos y crustáceos en el Mar Menor enoctubre de 2019 hizo saltar las alarmas de un problema anunciado sin descanso por la comunidad... -
Heavy metal contents in soft-bottom marine macrophytes and sediments along th...
Hg, Cd, Pb and Zn concentrations were determined in sediment and in tissues of five species of soft-bottom marine macrophytes (Posidonia oceanica, Cymodocea nodosa, Zostera... -
Asesoramiento hidrogeológico sobre el acuífero del Campo de Cartagena en cont...
Las tareas previstas en el contrato de asesoramiento son las siguientes: 1) Definición y valoración económica de un programa de trabajo que contendrá las actividades y labores a... -
Modified alar batten grafts for treatment in nasal valve dysfunction: Our exp...
Objective: Alar batten grafts are used to treat in nasal valve dysfunction (NVD). They can be placed by open or closed rhinoplasty using rib, septal, or auricular concha... -
Informe de actualización de resultados del programa de seguimiento del Mar Me...
El propósito de este informe es la actualización del progreso de las actividades del proyecto BELICH y de las variables indicadoras del estado del Mar Menor. Para ello se... -
Environmental assessment of pig slurry management after local characterizatio...
Due to its environmental impact, pig slurry management is of great importance in the Region of Murcia, Spain, where pig production is considerable. The current slurry management... -
Assessment of the Programme of Measures for Coastal Lagoon Environmental Rest...
The degradation of marine and coastal ecosystems has given rise to the creation of specific protection rules. The Marine Strategy Framework Directive and the Water Framework... -
Plan General Municipal de Ordenación - Programa de Actuación
El Programa de Actuación es un documento obligatorio en todo Plan General de Ordenación Urbana, en él se establecerá según la Ley del suelo: 1) Los objetivos, directrices y... -
Cultivos bajo cubierta en el sureste de España
En España, más de 62.000 ha regadas se cultivan en ambiente controlado, bajo determinadas cubiertas. Dos tercios se localizan en Andalucía, y más de la cuarta parte, en el... -
In vitro screening for steroid endocrine disruptive and Ethosyresorufin-O-dee...
… -O-deethylase (EROD) inducing activity in surface sediments from Mar Menor lagoon … -O-deethylase (EROD) inducing activity in surface sediments from Mar Menor lagoon [2016] … -
Towed sensors and hydrodynamic model evidence the need to include submarine i...
The use of radionuclide tracers to determine the submarine groundwater discharges has been used widely but in areas highly anthropized as the Mar Menor surface water tributaries... -
Evaluación del índice de vulnerabilidad costera en la Manga del Mar Menor (Mu...
Uno de los efectos más visibles del Cambio Climático es la subida del nivel del mar por el derretimiento de las masas de hielo terrestre. Para calcular la vulnerabilidad costera... -
Phytoplankton dynamics in the Mar Menor, a Mediterranean coastal lagoon stron...
The Mar Menor hypersaline coastal lagoon has suffered serious degradation in the last three decades attributable to nutrient pollution. In 2015, the lagoon experienced an... -
Influence of an intensive agricultural drainage basin on the seasonal distrib...
The seasonal distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, polychlorinated biphenyls, organochlorine pesticides, organophosphorus pesticides, triazines and other organic... -
Changes in benthic fish assemblages as a consequence of coastal works in a co...
The benthic fish assemblage of the Mar Menor consisted of 37 species. Dominant species are: Gobius cobitis, Lipophrys pavo and Tripterygion tripteronotus on infralittoral rocks;... -
Spatio-temporal Variation of Shallow Microhabitats and Associated Juvenile Fi...
Coastal lagoons are known to host numerous resident and migrant fish species. Spatio-temporal variation in abiotic and biotic conditions in these ecosystems results, however, in...