Levaduras en aguas costeras del Mar Menor y desembocadura del río Segura
Como parte de un trabajo más amplio sobre contaminación microbiana en áreas marinas, se ha llevado a cabo un estudio de aislamiento y recuento de levaduras en diversos puntos... -
Bursatella leachii from Mar Menor as a Source of Bioactive Molecules: Prelimi...
Marine invertebrates contain nutritionally important elements that make them suitable to be included in the human diet, and they are considered an outstanding source of... -
Age and growth of the sand smelt, Atherina boyeri (Risso 1810), in the Mar Me...
The age and growth of sand smelt, Atherina boyeri (Risso 1810), in the Mar Menor (SE Iberian Peninsula) were studied in samples taken from catches of local fishermen obtained... -
Evolution and phosphorus fractionation in saline Spolic Technosols flooded wi...
Purpose The aim of this study was to evaluate the behaviour of P in saline Spolic Technosols flooded with eutrophic water, with and without plant rhizosphere, in order to assess... -
Informe de actualización de resultados del programa de seguimiento del Mar Me...
El propósito de este informe es la actualización del progreso de las actividades del proyecto BELICH y de las variables indicadoras del estado del Mar Menor. Para ello se... -
Correlation between Land Transformation and Climate Change with Flooding Vuln...
The combination formed by the intense transformation of the territory and climate change in the Spanish Mediterranean basins has configured an explosive cocktail from the point... -
Aproximación ecotoxicológica a la contaminación por metales pesados en la lag...
Descarga de residuos mineros en la laguna copstera del Mar Menor: comportamiento y distribución de los metales y oxicidad asociada al agua. Valoración de la contaminación por... -
Assessment of hydrological alterations on wandering beetle assemblages (coleo...
Changes in wandering beetle assemblages (Carabidae and Tenebrionidae) of different habitats situated in coastal wetlands of a Mediterranean and area (Mar Menor, SE Spain) were... -
Modelling the impact of dredging inlets on the salinity and temperature regim...
Coastal lagoons support intense human activity. Dredging or closing the inlets to regulate water exchanges in order to manage fisheries or improve navigation, prevent floods,... -
The urbanisation process and its influence on the increase in flooding (Regio...
… The CCCMM is a wide plain sloping toward the Mar Menor, a salt … The region of Mar Menor includes the municipalities of San … towards the Mar Menor belonging to the... -
Coastal Lagoons: Important Ecosystems
Lagoons are highly productive coastal features that provide a range of natural services that society values. Their setting within the coastal landscape leaves them especially... -
Seasonal variations in somatic condition, hepatic and gonad activity of sand ...
Seasonal changes in somatic condition, hepatic and gonad activity, as well as their effects with age and sex were examined in Atherina boyeri from the Mar Menor coastal lagoon... -
Evidence of microplastics in water and commercial fish from a high-altitude m...
Microplastic pollution is a widespread environmental concern. Like other anthro-pogenic pollutants, microplastics can reach aquatic ecosystems through rivers and interact with... -
La problemática del Mar Menor: una aproximación divulgativa a través del Muse...
La muerte de toneladas de peces, moluscos y crustáceos en el Mar Menor enoctubre de 2019 hizo saltar las alarmas de un problema anunciado sin descanso por la comunidad... -
Heavy metal contents in soft-bottom marine macrophytes and sediments along th...
Hg, Cd, Pb and Zn concentrations were determined in sediment and in tissues of five species of soft-bottom marine macrophytes (Posidonia oceanica, Cymodocea nodosa, Zostera... -
Modified alar batten grafts for treatment in nasal valve dysfunction: Our exp...
Objective: Alar batten grafts are used to treat in nasal valve dysfunction (NVD). They can be placed by open or closed rhinoplasty using rib, septal, or auricular concha... -
Informe de actualización de resultados del programa de seguimiento del Mar Me...
El propósito de este informe es la actualización del progreso de las actividades del proyecto BELICH y de las variables indicadoras del estado del Mar Menor. Para ello se... -
Environmental assessment of pig slurry management after local characterizatio...
Due to its environmental impact, pig slurry management is of great importance in the Region of Murcia, Spain, where pig production is considerable. The current slurry management... -
Assessment of the Programme of Measures for Coastal Lagoon Environmental Rest...
The degradation of marine and coastal ecosystems has given rise to the creation of specific protection rules. The Marine Strategy Framework Directive and the Water Framework... -
Cultivos bajo cubierta en el sureste de España
En España, más de 62.000 ha regadas se cultivan en ambiente controlado, bajo determinadas cubiertas. Dos tercios se localizan en Andalucía, y más de la cuarta parte, en el...