Un ciervo en mi parabrisas: y una calzada para los ciervos (¿están locos esto...
Un ciervo en mi parabrisas: y una calzada para los ciervos (¿están locos estos romanos?) Palabras clave: Ciervo -
Connectors ecològics: identificació i anàlisi de la seva funcionalitat per a ...
Connectors ecològics: identificació i anàlisi de la seva funcionalitat per a la dispersió de vertebrats. -
Invaders on the road: synanthropic bird foraging along highways.
Intercity roads potentially offer a high availability of easily accessible food and could therefore be expected to represent a preferential area for synanthropic bird foraging.... -
Efecto de la tipología de las estructuras transversales de paso sobre el uso ...
Efecto de la tipología de las estructuras transversales de paso sobre el uso por la fauna en diferentes tramos de carreteras y líneas de ferrocarril de alta velocidad en España. -
Bird community structure and species responses to edges in laurel forest frag...
We examined interacting effects of habitat structure, topographic landscape, road edge and vehicle traffic (density and noise), on bird species composition, abundance and... -
Behavioural responses of barn owls and stone martens to highways: do ecologic...
Several studies have documented that owls and carnivores are two taxa highly impacted by road mortality, but little is known whether roads attract or repulse individuals. The... -
Carnivores cross irrigation canals more often through overpasses than through...
As rainfall becomes scarcer or more erratic, we rely more on irrigation systems for agricultural and human water provision. Impacts of irrigation canals such as the barrier... -
Movement re-established but not restored: inferring the effectiveness of road...
Wildlife crossing structures are commonly used to mitigate the barrier and mortality impacts of roads on wildlife. For arboreal mammals, canopy bridges, glider poles and... -
Actuaciones para minimizar los efectos sobre la fauna.
La restauración ecológica asociada a cualquier ac-tividad humana debe atender no solo a recuperar los aspectos visuales y estéticos de los sistemas naturales alterados, sino... -
Species-specific movement traits and specialization determine the spatial res...
The barrier effect is a pervasive impact of road networks. For many small mammals individual avoidance responses can be the mechanism behind the barrier effect. However, little... -
Evaluating connectivity between Natura 2000 sites within the montado agrofore...
The Natura 2000 network is the centerpiece of European nature conservation policy but its effectiveness is challenged by ongoing landscape change. Our objective was to assess... -
Fragmentación de los hábitats de la Red Natura 2000 afectados por el PEIT (Pl...
Fragmentación de los hábitats de la Red Natura 2000 afectados por el PEIT (Plan Estratégico de Infraestructuras y Transporte). -
Preferencias de hábitat invernal de la musaraña común (Crocidura russula) en ...
Preferencias de hábitat invernal de la musaraña común (Crocidura russula) en un encinar fragmentado de la submeseta norte. Palabras clave: Bosque, Fragmentación, Mamíferos,... -
Road effects on bat activity depend on surrounding habitat type.
The effects of roads on bats are still a poorly documented issue. Most of the available research focuses on large and high-traffic highways, while low-medium-traffic roads are... -
Synergies between forest biomass extraction for bioenergy and fire suppressio...
Increases in fire impacts over many regions of the world have led to large-scale investments in fire suppression efforts. There is increasing recognition that biomass extraction... -
The risk of being hungry: influence of prey availability in verges on predato...
Road verges may provide important refuges for small fauna, particularly when roads cross intensive agricultural or grazed landscapes. In these circumstances, the increasing use... -
Maintenance of ecological assets on transport linear infrastructure.
Maintenance of ecological assets on transport linear infrastructure. -
The influence of site factors and proximity of adjacent vegetation on tree re...
Many studies have shown evidence of very rapid natural colonization of trees on roadslopes. Tree colonization on roadslopes can be a useful tool in the ecological restoration of... -
COST 341. Fauna y tráfico. Manual europeo para la identificación de conflicto...
COST 341. Fauna y tráfico. Manual europeo para la identificación de conflictos y el diseño de soluciones. -
Atropellos y cruces de animales vivos en las carreteras del Moianès. (Diciemb...
Este estudio es un intento de relacionar los picos estacionales de actividad con las tasas de atropello. Palabras clave: Siniestralidad con fauna, carretera, Mortalidad