Aves y carreteras: un problema de difícil solución.
Se registraron datos sobre atropellos de aves en transectos de carreteras muy transitadas, junto con datos ocasionales de otras carreteras. Todos los grupos de aves que se sabía... -
El efecto barrera en vertebrados. Medidas correctoras en las vías de comunica...
Los autores recopilan una amplia gama de estructuras para mitigar el efecto barrera de las infraestructuras sobre los vertebrados. El libro consta de una parte introductoria en... -
Medidas preventivas, correctoras y compensatorias de los impactos directos e ...
En el Campo de Gibraltar confluyen factores que otorgan a la comarca una gran potencialidad de desarrollo en el ámbito autonómico, nacional, europeo e intercontinental. Sin... -
Proyecto de medidas compensatorias correspondientes a la autovía A-381 Jerez ...
Además de las medidas correctoras que toda infraestructura lineal debe incluir para mitigar el impacto directo que pueda causar al medio, la Directiva Hábitats de la Unión... -
Temporal pattern of wild ungulate-related traffic accidents in northwest Spain.
Wildlife-related accidents are a serious problem in different countries and describing their temporal pattern allows for the development of measures to mitigate them. We... -
Key connectors in protected forest area networks and the impact of highways: ...
The connectivity of protected area networks depends on key elements located in strategic positions within the landscape, which uphold the ecological fluxes and sustain the... -
Dogs are the main species involved in animal-vehicle collisions in southern S...
Animal-vehicle collisions have become a serious traffic safety issue. Collisions have steadily increased over the last few decades, as have their associated socio-economic... -
Major roads have a negative impact on the tawny owl Strix aluco and the littl...
The increasing road networks threaten ecosystems by direct effects such as increased mortality due to collision with vehicles and by various indirect effects leading to road... -
Efectos de las carreteras sobre la fauna: un enfoque ecológico.
Revisión de los efectos ecológicos de las carreteras sobre la fauna. La pérdida directa e indirecta de hábitat. La generación de nuevos hábitats. Mortalidad. Efectos sobre los... -
The distribution of vertebrate roadkill varies by season, surrounding environ...
The distribution of vertebrate roadkill varies by season, surrounding environment, and animal class. -
Location of wildlife passages. How to identify the optimal solution?
During the last few decades, the construction of wildlife passages and landscape bridges designed to help fauna cross transport infrastructures has increased all over Europe. A... -
Species or group of species to predict roadkill likelihood?
Roadkill likelihood using either species or group of species does not reach to same results. Spatial, climatic, and temporal patterns are consistent within the class Reptilia.... -
Clamoring for quiet: new ways to mitigate noise.
On a typical day in an American suburb, the steady whoosh of traffic on a nearby freeway drowns out the rustling of leaves in the wind. From across the street comes the nagging... -
Identification and development of habitat defragmentation priority projects, ...
Within the framework of the European Union Biodiversity Strategy to 2020 and the Green Infrastructure Communication Enhancing Europe’s Natural Capital, the Directorate General... -
Effects of woodland islets introduced in a Mediterranean agricultural landsca...
This study assesses whether the afforestation approach consisting in the introduction of woodland islets in “agricultural seas” can reconcile the restoration of woody vegetation... -
Posibles riesgos de la iluminación LED. Conclusiones del Grupo de Trabajo.
Posibles riesgos de la iluminación LED. Conclusiones del Grupo de Trabajo. -
A global map of roadless areas and their conservation status.
Roads fragment landscapes and trigger human colonization and degradation of ecosystems, to the detriment of biodiversity and ecosystem functions. The planet’s remaining large... -
A spatial approach for modeling amphibian road-kills: comparison of regressio...
Road networks are the main source of mortality for many species. Amphibians, which are in global decline, are the most road-killed fauna group, due to their activity patterns... -
Influence of forest fragmentation on seed consumption and dispersal of Spanis...
Influence of forest fragmentation on seed consumption and dispersal of Spanish juniper Juniperus thurifera. Palabras clave: Forest, Fragmentation, Habitat fragmentation, Seed... -
El lince ibérico (Lynx pardina) en España. Distribución y problemas de conser...
En una muestra de 356 linces ibéricos muertos entre 1978 y 1988, 25 (7%) habían muerto en las carreteras. Este porcentaje es mucho más elevado que el valor obtenido durante el...