Spatial and species‐level predictions of road mortality risk using trait data.
Collisions between wildlife and vehicles are recognized as one of the major causes of mortality for many species. Empirical estimates of road mortality show that some species... -
Comportamiento dispersivo de la musaraña común (Crocidura russula) en un enci...
Comportamiento dispersivo de la musaraña común (Crocidura russula) en un encinar fragmentado de la submeseta norte. Palabras clave: Dispersión, Bosque, Fragmentación, Musaraña -
Effect of weekend road traffic on the use of space by raptors.
The traffic load near large cities may show dramatic cyclical changes induced by weekend tourism, and this could induce cyclical changes in the activity patterns of wildlife. We... -
Patterns of amphibian fatalities in a Mediterranean landscape: insights from ...
Amphibian fatalities were monitored on the local road M1078 (of total length 7.1 k m) that runs across a rural Mediterranean landscape in the Alentejo region (Southern Portugal)... -
Factors affecting mortality of shearwaters stranded by light pollution.
Every year and across the world, thousands of fledglings of different petrel species crash into human structures because they are disorientated by artificial lights during their... -
Cars as a tool for monitoring and protecting biodiversity.
Cars as a tool for monitoring and protecting biodiversity. -
Impactes das vias rodoviárias na fauna silvestre. Relatório final.
Apresenta-se o relatório final do projecto Avaliar o impacto da mortalidade em populações de vertebrados em estradas do Alto Alentejo, e sua relação com o uso de passagens... -
Fatal attraction of short-tailed shearwaters to artificial lights.
Light pollution is increasing around the world and altering natural nightscapes with potential ecological and evolutionary consequences. A severe ecological perturbation caused... -
Objetivo de la Red de Corredores Ecolgógicos: La Marta europea (Martes martes).
Objetivo de la Red de Corredores Ecolgógicos: La Marta europea (Martes martes). Palabras clave: Conectividad, Marta -
Wildlife crossing structures in the mitigation for transportation projects: a...
Wildlife crossing structures are used to mitigate barrier effects and to reduce mortality. Many factors affect their effectivity, including typology, location and maintenance.... -
Landscaping of a new wildlife overpass: small changes make big differences to...
To strength cooperation between civil engineers and wildlife experts can bring powerful benefits to both biodiversity conservation and road infrastructure quality and... -
Estudio para la gestión del lobo en hábitats fragmentados por autovías.
Entre 1997 y 1999 estudiamos la influencia sobre los lobos (Canis lupus) de una autopista vallada de cuatro carriles sin pasos específicos para la fauna salvaje en un entorno... -
Response of carnivores to existing highway culverts and underpasses: implicat...
Roads with high traffic volumes are a source of animal mortality, can disrupt normal animal movements and dispersal, and may represent a potentially serious threat to wildlife... -
Frontiers for conservation: targeting European borders as conservation areas.
It is widely known that political borders should not hamper wildlife. Conservation actions involving several countries are perceived to bring large-scale benefits to nature... -
Mortalidad de anfibios y reptiles en carreteras: informe sobre el estudio AHE...
Un listado comentado de reptiles y anfibios muertos en carreteras. Se identifican algunos puntos negros. Palabras clave: Anfibios, Punto, de, conflicto, Siniestralidad con... -
Banco de datos y centro de documentación acerca de la mortalidad de vertebrad...
Se describe una base de datos que contiene 369 referencias de mortalidad de vertebrados por carreteras Palabras clave: Base de datos, Siniestralidad con fauna, Carretera,... -
Towards a unified framework for studying the impact of linear infrastructures.
Towards a unified framework for studying the impact of linear infrastructures. Palabras clave: Infrastructure planning -
Foraging, feeding, and physiological stress responses of wild wood mice to in...
In nature, animals are exposed to a broad range of threats imposed by predators, which may strongly influence the ecology of prey species directly or indirectly by affecting... -
Vertebrate ticks distribution and their role as vectors in relation to road e...
Roads fragment vertebrate populations and affect the dynamics and dispersal patterns of vertebrate parasites. We evaluated how vertebrate ticks distribute near roads and road...