Vertebrados atropellados en dos carreteras orensanas. Primer informe.
Se presentan datos sobre la mortalidad de vertebrados en dos carreteras de la provincia de Orense (NO España). En total se controlaron 18 km en una carretera nacional y otra... -
Assessing the effects of road type and position on the road on small mammal c...
Roadkill estimates can be heavily biased due to variable carcass persistence time. If not adequately considered, this bias may lead to incorrect management actions. We designed... -
Carreteras que constituyen puntos negros para vertebrados. Criterios de valor...
Identificación y localización de puntos negros en España. Se comenta la urgencia de aplicar medidas correctoras. Palabras clave: Punto de conflicto, Siniestralidad con fauna,... -
New real-time mitigation measures based on animal-vehicle collision spatio-te...
Road ecologists have proposed a wide range of mitigation measures in order to reduce the number of animal-vehicle collisions (AVC). Some measures aim to modify driver behaviour... -
Wildlife-vehicle collisions in Spain.
Wildlife-vehicle collisions (WVC) are important in wildlife management due to their increasing socioeconomic impacts and pervasive effect on some endangered species. In this... -
Informe provisional del seguimiento de la mortalidad de vertebrados en las ca...
Se prospectaron casi el 50% de las carreteras de la provincia de Badajoz (O España) registrando la presencia de cadaveres de vertebrados. Las frecuencias de los taxones fueron:... -
Implications for conservation and game management of the roadkill levels of t...
The Iberian hare (Lepus granatensis) is an important small game species endemic to the Iberian Peninsula for which the incidence of roadkill is unknown. We surveyed Iberian... -
Predicting spatiotemporal patterns of road mortality for medium-large mammals.
We modelled the spatiotemporal patterns of road mortality for seven medium-large mammals, using a roadkill dataset from Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil (800 km of roads surveyed... -
Global environmental change to and the future of mediterranean forest avifauna.
Global environmental change to and the future of mediterranean forest avifauna. Palabras clave: Bird, Fauna, Forest -
Accidentes de tráfico causados por especies cinegéticas de caza mayor en la p...
El incremento sustancial de los accidentes de tráfico provocados por fauna silvestre está relacionado, sin duda, con el progresivo aumento en la última década de algunas... -
Evaluación del ruido ambiental en espacios naturales protegidos: implicacione...
Evaluación del ruido ambiental en espacios naturales protegidos: implicaciones para su gestión. -
Beyond crippling bias: carcass‐location bias in roadkill studies.
Beyond crippling bias: carcass‐location bias in roadkill studies. -
Mainstreaming biodiversity in transport infrastructure management thanks to s...
Biodiversity and transport sectors use data and tools for specific purposes which can often be mutualised offering opportunities for costefficient improvement of transport... -
Bringing science and technology together: Real-time road signs based on tempo...
Numerous types of mitigation measures aimed at reducing animal-vehicle collisions (AVC) are available. These measures are oriented both to the driver and the animal and show... -
Assessing behaviour states of a forest carnivore in a road-dominated landscap...
Anthropogenic infrastructures and land-use changes are major threats to animal movements across heterogeneous landscapes. Yet, the behavioural consequences of such constraints... -
A new large-scale index (AcED) for assessing traffic noise disturbance on wil...
Anthropogenic noise is a growing ubiquitous and pervasive pollutant as well as a recognised stressor that spreads throughout natural ecosystems. However, there is still an... -
The role of remote sensing data in habitat suitability and connectivity model...
Ecological modeling requires sufficient spatial resolution and a careful selection of environmental variables to achieve good predictive performance. Although national and... -
Bad moon rising? The influence of the lunar cycle on amphibian roadkills.
Annually, roads, and their associated users, are responsible for millions of roadkills worldwide. Mortality affects multiple taxonomic groups, but amphibians are particularly... -
Mobile mapping system (MMS2) for detecting roadkills.
Roads affect negatively wildlife, from direct mortality to habitat fragmentation. Mortality caused by collision with vehicles on roads is a major threat to many species.... -
Humans and traffic influence European wildcat behaviour in pastoral landscapes.
Humans and traffic influence European wildcat behaviour in pastoral landscapes.