Bad moon rising? The influence of the lunar cycle on amphibian roadkills.
Annually, roads, and their associated users, are responsible for millions of roadkills worldwide. Mortality affects multiple taxonomic groups, but amphibians are particularly... -
Indicador 26: Existencia de las principales especies forestales españolas
Este indicador establece el volumen de madera con corteza de las principales especies forestales en las formaciones arboladas españolas. -
Mobile mapping system (MMS2) for detecting roadkills.
Roads affect negatively wildlife, from direct mortality to habitat fragmentation. Mortality caused by collision with vehicles on roads is a major threat to many species.... -
Humans and traffic influence European wildcat behaviour in pastoral landscapes.
Humans and traffic influence European wildcat behaviour in pastoral landscapes. -
Efecte de les infraestructures de transport en els mamífers.
Efecte de les infraestructures de transport en els mamífers. -
Towards effective culvert design: monitoring seasonal use and behavior by Med...
Drainage culverts are known to be used by a diverse number of species. To date, most studies looking at culvert usage have been restricted to the dry season. This seasonal bias... -
Vocal response to traffic noise in a non-passerine bird: the little bustard T...
Anthropogenic noise is spreading worldwide and can interfere with the acoustic communication of multiple animal groups. Species communicating in low-frequency ranges (having... -
Seguimiento de una reintroducción de corzo (Capreolus capreolus) en un ambien...
Se llevó a cabo el radioseguimiento de 15 corzos translocados. El efecto barrera causado por la presencia de una red importante de infraestructuras viarias alrededor del macizo... -
New records of rare species in the Mediterranean Sea (May 2022)
This Collective Article presents new information about the occurrence of 21 taxa that belong to six Phyla: one Cnidaria, one Ctenophora, two Annelida, four Mollusca, two... -
The role of habitat connectivity on road mortality of tawny owls.
The role of habitat connectivity on road mortality of tawny owls. -
Fauna y tráfico: manual europeo para la identificación de conflictos y el dis...
Fauna y tráfico: manual europeo para la identificación de conflictos y el diseño de soluciones. -
Mitigation measures to reduce impacts on biodiversity.
Roads and traffic impact wildlife in a variety of ways. In some animal populations, they enhance mortality, limit mobility, fragment populations, and decrease habitat amount and... -
Conservación del oso pardo en la Cordillera Cantábrica.
Conservación del oso pardo en la Cordillera Cantábrica. Palabras clave: Oso, Montaña -
Environmental impact of road transport traffic. A case study for County of La...
The continuous increase of vehicle fleet along with the development of road transport networks has associated a wide range of externalities. Main types of externalities refer to... -
A comparison on the response to forest fragmentation by medium-sized iberian ...
We studied the use of forest fragments by five medium-sized carnivore species in 280 forest fragments on the two Iberian plateaus. We looked for indirect evidence (faeces,... -
Should we worry about predator-prey interactions at wildlife crossing structu...
Road and railway construction on a landscape scale entails a transformation of ecosystems, involving changes in their composition, structure and functioning, including... -
Indicador 23: Ratio del volumen de madera muerta y madera total en formacione...
Este indicador establece la relación cuantificada, reflejando su proporción, entre el volumen de madera muerta en relación al volumen total de madera por formación arbolada en... -
Anfibios y carreteras.
Como consecuencia de los atropellos, las poblaciones de anfibios son susceptibles de sufrir extinciones locales, especialmente donde las vías cruzan rutas hacía las charcas... -
Identifying asymmetries in landscape use at different scales by forest birds ...
Identifying asymmetries in landscape use at different scales by forest birds and mammals: a tool for ecological planning and corridor design. -
Disentangle the causes of the road barrier effect in small mammals through ge...
Road barrier effect is among the foremost negative impacts of roads on wildlife. Knowledge of the factors responsible for the road barrier effect is crucial to understand and...