Wildlife related traffic accidents in Galicia, northwest Spain: incidence, pa...
Wildlife related traffic accidents in Galicia, northwest Spain: incidence, pattern and solutions. Palabras clave: Collision, Fauna casualty, Highway, Landscape, Mitigation,... -
Life on the edge: Adaptations of Posidonia oceanica to hypersaline conditions...
Hypersaline stress is a major stressor in semi-enclosed coastal lagoons, affecting the distribution and survival of key foundation species. In this study, we investigated how... -
Threatened vascular flora of Sierra Nevada (Southern Spain).
Threatened flora of Sierra Nevada (2100 vascular taxa -species and subspecies- catalogued, which means 30% of the entire vascular flora of Iberian Peninsula) has been studied.... -
Efectos del cambio climático sobre las interacciones entre las infraestructur...
Efectos del cambio climático sobre las interacciones entre las infraestructuras lineales de transporte y la biodiversidad. -
Lack of maintenance of motorway fences works against their intended purpose w...
Linear infrastructure intrusions into natural ecosystems, such as motorways and high-speed railways, causes direct loss of habitat but also impacts fauna through collisions.... -
How do roads affect the ecological processes and biodiversity? – summing up a...
Roads affects ecological processes at a range of spatial scales, and studies document both negative and positive effects on natural capital and ecological processes. Still there... -
Los efectos de las carreteras sobre los vertebrados terrestres.
Los efectos de las carreteras sobre los vertebrados terrestres. Palabras clave: Vertebrados -
Natura 2000 sites, public forests and riparian corridors: the connectivity ba...
The connectivity of protected areas, such as the Natura 2000 network, is crucial for maintaining healthy ecosystems and for the delivery of ecosystem services into the wider... -
Are animal-vehicle collisions a random event? – Analysis of the spatial distr...
Ungulate-vehicle collisions (UVC) in Sweden, Catalonia (NE Spain), the Czech republic as well as in many other European countries are an increasing traffic safety issue, causing... -
How long do the dead survive on the road? Carcass persistence probability and...
Road mortality is probably the best-known and visible impact of roads upon wildlife. Although several factors influence road-kill counts, carcass persistence time is considered... -
Indicador 6: Superficie forestal por tipo de bosque
Este indicador muestra la ocupación de las principales masas arbóreas de coníferas, frondosas y mixtas de coníferas y frondosas que existen en el territorio español. Este es un... -
Distributional patterns of endemic, native and alien species along a roadside...
Invasion by alien plant species may be rapid and aggressive, causing erosion of local biodiversity. This is particularly true for islands, where natural and anthropogenic... -
Identificación y diagnóstico de la red de corredores ecológicos de la Región ...
Identificación y diagnóstico de la red de corredores ecológicos de la Región de Murcia. Palabras clave: Conectividad, Red de corredores ecológicos -
Traffic noise pollution does not influence habitat selection in the endangere...
Traffic noise is an associated effect of roads, potentially impacting wildlife. In the case of birds, it may alter spatial distribution, behavioural responses and physiological... -
Potential hotspots of amphibian roadkill risk in Spain.
We test a forecasting strategy to identify potential hotspots of amphibian roadkill, combining the spatial distribution of amphibians, their relative risk of collision with... -
Influence of new irrigated croplands on wild boar (Sus scrofa) road kills in ...
Influence of new irrigated crops on vehicle collisions with wild boar (Sus scrofa) in northwestern Spain. Wild boar populations have increased in number and distribution in... -
Mortalidad de vertebrados en líneas de ferrocarril.
El documento trata básicamente de animales atropellados o electrocutados por cables. Palabras clave: Colisión, Sinistralidad con fauna, Línea ferroviaria de alta velocidad,... -
Groundwater intensive use and mining in south-eastern peninsular Spain: Hydro...
Intensive groundwater development is a common circumstance in semiarid and arid areas. Often abstraction exceeds recharge, thus continuously depleting reserves. There is... -
Eficacia de los pasos de fauna en el corredor del Txorierri: Tram Derio-Larra...
Eficacia de los pasos de fauna en el corredor del Txorierri: Tram Derio-Larrabetzu. Palabras clave: Barrera, Conectividad, Paso de fauna, Autopista -
High-rate biological denitrification in the cyclic rotating-bed biological re...
The effects of COD=NO 3 ratio, nitrate concentration and salinity was tested on the performance of the CRBR in denitrification with catechol as carbon source. The maximum...